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Hack To School


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Want ABC ME to rock up at YOUR school?! Share your back to school tips and tricks for your chance to WIN a once-in-a-lifetime prize!
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About the Challenge

It's the end of the holidays and time to go back to school. Sigh!

The good news is, we're all in this together! Around the country the sound of school bags zipping up and pencils being sharpened can be heard...

We've been thinking, everyone has little things they do to make school easier, right? From making lunches to pimping your pencil case, we want you to share your tips and tricks!

This challenge is to make a video, no longer than 30 seconds, showing a school hack. And get your family involved! We want to know what going back to school means for you and your family.

We've got a prize you'll be able to brag about in the playground...not only will we show the winning hack ON TV, an ABC ME film crew will visit the winner's school!

Want to be a legend at school? Get thinking about your hack and grab a camera!

This challenge opens 16 January 2017 and closes 15 February 2017 at 3pm AEDT. It is open to all Australian primary and secondary schools students.

Thanks to nowheregirl1999 for inspiring this challenge with her film Life Hacks!

For further detail on what do, the conditions and prize, scroll down to read Brief and Competition Terms and Conditions.

Challenge Brief

You know what hacks are right? They're nifty little tricks or shortcuts for making life easier. Going back to school can be exciting. It's a fresh start, you get to see your friends, swap holiday stories...but who couldn't use a bit of help with getting organised?

Your hack can be about any part of the school day; it could be for getting up early, getting to school, studying for tests, doing your hair quickly, organising your stationery, doing your homework, learning your timetable, making lunch...if you've got a cool idea, we want to hear about it!

If there's something about your school day that might be different to other people's, all the better! Maybe your journey to school is unique or your family is unusual in some way?

Maybe you live on a farm and your hack is for feeding the chooks before school? Perhaps your parents don't speak English and you've got a cool way of getting messages to and from school for them? Are you heading to a new school and have a hack for making friends?

Your video entry should contain only one hack, but you can submit as many entries as you like! And remember, your video should be no longer than 30 seconds.

As always, when shooting your video, make sure you think about your sound and lighting. We need to be able to see and hear you clearly - we'll be putting some of the videos on TV!

Still not sure what to do? Check out Pip's stickynote whiteboard hack!

**SUPER IMPORTANT** Make sure you don't show your school uniform in your video. Because videos published to the site can been seen by everyone on the internet, to keep ABC ME happy and safe, we don't let people include anything that would allow people to contact them. If your hack involves wearing school uniform you'll have to wear a pretend one!

Lastly, remember that other than the piece of Sound Library music, all other elements of your film must be original and created by you, or be items that you have been given specific permission by the creator to use. Films containing third party assets, such as pictures from the internet or video created by someone else, will not be eligible for entry in this challenge, unless you obtained permission for them to be included in your film and for your film be uploaded to this challenge and be communicated by the ABC, as outlined in the Competition Terms and Conditions.

Need more inspiration? Check out the 'Get Inspired' section of this challenge.

Important Information :

1) Get your parent or carer's permission to enter and their agreement to Competition Terms and Conditions
You must get your parent or carer's permission to ether this challenge, including their agreement to the Competition Terms and Conditions (below) before you submit your entry.

2) This challenge is only for school age peeps!
This challenge is open to all Australian primary and secondary school students. The film entered must be made by the student. Adults are permitted to be filmed as subjects, mentor and supervise but may not otherwise take part in the filmmaking process.

3) You film must not break the House Rules
The House Rules apply to this challenge. Make sure you read and understand them and have your parent or carer explain anything to you that you do not understand.

4) Make sure your film is appropriate for viewing by young audiences
Viewers of this website may be younger than you are and in order to keep the space safe and happy for all, submissions to the site need to be appropriate for young viewers. Read the Editorial Guidelines for more information and if you have any questions regarding how these guidelines may apply to content or themes in your film, please contact us. If your film would not meet a 'G' Classification, it will not be accepted into this challenge.

5) Judging CriteriaFirstly, to be accepted in this challenge, your film has to follow this brief, the House Rules and your parents must agree to the Competition Terms and Conditions. Also remember that your film must be no longer than 30 seconds.

To award the challenge winner, the judges will be assessing a number of things including the originality and creativity of your idea and your skill in execution including story concept, cinematography, editing, and animation technique (if your film is an animation).

6) If you're filming people, get permission!
If you film anybody, you must first have their (and their parent's) permission - both to be filmed and for the film to be uploaded to this challenge. If you are in the film yourself, you will still need your parent's permission. To help you out, we've created participant releases for you to download and use.

If your film does contain faces (yours or anyone else's) we'll be contacting your parents to make sure you have permission/s, so don't skip this step, okay?!

7) Group entries
Films made by more than one person are eligible for entry to this challenge.

8) Technical requirements
Films uploaded to this challenge can be no larger than 150MB. For further information, see the Technical Guidelines.

Also, please keep your original uncompressed file as if you are the winner of this challenge we may need you to supply a higher quality version of your film for broadcast on TV.

9) Moderation and film gallery
All films are checked by our moderators to make sure they follow the Challenge Brief, House Rules and comply with the Competition Terms and Conditions. Approved films will appear in the 'watch' area of this challenge as well as the greater ABC ME site. You will be notified by email once your film has been accepted and published. If your film is not approved by our moderators you will also be notified by email.

10) Multiple entries are permitted
You are able to enter more than one film to this challenge as long as each film is different and complies with the challenge entry conditions.

11) Got questions?
Send us an email through our Contact Form and we'll do our best to help you out!

Competition Terms & Conditions

1. The promoter of this competition is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABN 524 292 78345), 700 Harris Street, Ultimo, New South Wales, Australia.

2. By entering the competition, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Any instructions relating to the competition on the promoter's website form part of these Terms and Conditions.

3. The promoter may in its discretion refuse to award any prize to any entrant who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions.


4. Entry to the competition is open to all Australian primary and secondary school students.

5. An entrant must be an individual and not a company or organisation. Employees of the promoter and any person associated with the competition, or with the provision of the prize(s), are not eligible to enter.

6. If an entrant is under 18 years of age, they must get the permission of a parent or guardian before entering this competition.


7. The competition opens on 16 January 2017 and closes at 3:00pm AEDT on 15 February 2017.

8. Any entry received after the expiry of the competition period will be deemed invalid. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost, delayed or misdirected entries.


9. To enter the competition, you must:

a. Make a video, no longer than 30 seconds, of a school hack.
b. Submit your entry and your name, post code, your parent's name, parent's email address and parent's telephone number via the entry form on the website at


10. To be eligible for a prize your entry must:

a. Only include material created by you or material which you have permission to use, including any words which may be included in your entry.
b. Comply with the ABC ME House Rules
c. Make every effort to remove company logos and slogans from within shot. Failure to do so may result in the submission being rejected by the promoter's panel of judges

11. By submitting your entry to the promoter, you grant the promoter, its licensees and assignees a non-exclusive licence to exercise all rights in your entry, including without limitation, the right to reproduce and communicate your entry to the public in whole or in part, in perpetuity and throughout the world on ABC Platforms and official ABC Social Media Presences.

12. You understand and agree that your entry may be edited or adapted at any time by the promoter for legal, editorial or operational reasons.


13. The entrant whose entry adheres to the Brief and is chosen by the promoter's panel of judges to be the most original and creative will win the major prize. Chance plays no part in determining the prize winner.

14. Decisions of the promoter and its panel of judges are final and will be binding on each person who enters the competition and no correspondence will be entered into.

15. The major prize winner will be visited at school by an ABC ME film crew.

16. Films created by more than one person are eligible to be entered into this competition however the prize can only redeemed by a single representative of the filmmaking group.

17. The prize winner must be available to redeem the prize between 15 February 2017 - 15 February 2018. If the prize winner is not able to redeem the prize within that period, the promoter may determine another prize winner in its discretion.

18. No component of the prize can be transferred or redeemed for cash.

19. In the event that any of the prizes become unavailable due to circumstances beyond the promoter's control, the promoter reserves the right to provide a similar product to the same or greater value as the original prize, subject to any applicable laws or written directions made under applicable legislation.


20. Unless advertised differently, the prize winner will be notified by phone and/or email within three weeks of the end of the competition period.


21. You warrant that:

a. all details provided with your entry are true and accurate;
b. you have all necessary rights to grant the promoter the rights granted under these Terms and Conditions;
c. use of your entry by the promoter, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, will not infringe the rights of any third parties; and you will indemnify the promoter against any loss or damage resulting from any breach of these warranties.

22. You acknowledge that the promoter is under no obligation to use your entry, and any reproduction and/or communication of your entry to the public by the promoter (in accordance with these Terms and Conditions) is at the complete discretion of the promoter.

23. You agree that the promoter may use your personal details provided to the promoter for the purpose of conducting the competition. The promoter may disclose your personal information to its contractors, agents, any co-promoter and to State and Territory gaming departments, to assist in conducting this competition. Prize winners' names may be published as set out in these Terms and Conditions. The promoter may also use your personal information for any promotional, marketing and publicity purposes of the promoter, subject to the ABC's Privacy Policy available at

24. If there is any event that prevents or hinders the promoter's conduct of the competition or the promoter's ability to deliver the prize/s to the prize winner/s, the promoter may, in its discretion, cancel the competition and recommence it at another time under the same conditions or select another winner.
Get Inspired

Getting Started

First up, watch the video that inspired the challenge, nowheregirl1999's Life Hacks. She does lots of hacks in her video, but you only need to do one.

Next, we recommend you do a bit of research. There are HEAPS of school hacks out there. And remember, it can be about any part of the school day, from getting up in the morning to doing your homework at night. It's a good idea to choose something simple and easy to demonstrate.

Once you've chosen a clever hack, it's time to film! Make sure your subject is well lit and the sound is clear. EpicDave has some good how-to videos to help you out:

Quick Filmmaking Tips
Quick Filmmaking Tips Episode 3

For insider tips and tricks on everything from scripting and storyboarding to acting and directing from the makers of your favourite shows, head to the Useful Stuff section.

And remember, if you want to chat about this challenge with other filmmakers, head on over to Your Film Chat!

Submit Your Film

Yay! You are about to submit your film to the Hack To School Challenge!

Choose the profile you’d like to upload under and follow the prompts in the submission form. We can’t wait to see your entry!

Submit your film as a guest if:

  • You are a Club3 member but your film contains identifying information (names, school, sports teams, identifiable locations, etc). Remember, you can only submit as a Club3 member if you are ‘undercover’. See House Rule # 1 for more info.
  • You are not a Club3 member or are submitting on behalf of a group. Films submitted as ‘Guest’ will still appear on the site, and you will have the opportunity to choose your ‘filmmaker name’ but the films will not appear under your RAWR profile or be linked to your Club3 account.

Get Inspired

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