1. How much does Beevo cost?

We’re completely free! Our service providers pick up all the associated costs because they gain a key to the gates of the coveted Beevo Business Collective.


2. How does Beevo choose service providers?

We’re all about compatibility here. Our service providers are selected to tick all the boxes in the way of our member’s needs. An excellent reputation in customer service and the provision of competitive pricing are two must-haves. Strong relationships are a two-way street; we put a lot of care into ours so our members reap the rewards.


3. Will my services cost more through Beevo?

Not at all! In fact, you’ll probably pay less. With our immense buying power we pride ourselves on negotiating special deals for our members that are not normally available through other channels. You’ll also have exclusive access to the Beevo rewards program, despite already receiving the best deals around.


4. Is it easy to transfer my services?

Absolutely. Your Beevo advisor will work closely with you and the service provider to make sure the process of switching is as quick and painless as possible. Our goal is to ensure you can make the switch with minimal disruption to your business in the process.


5. How does the Beevo rewards program work?

We like to keep busy at Beevo and the more work you have us do, the more you get in the way of rewards! With each additional service you select through Beevo the bigger your reward. Your Beevo advisor will tailor your reward to suit your business; anything from rebates and office essentials to culture building activities.