Your underwhelming Valentine's Day photos

Crap cards, strange meat products and disappointing text exchanges dominate on what is, unequivocally, the most romantic day of the year

‘I wasn’t expecting any valentine’s messages this year, let alone this one from my neighbour’s nephew.’
‘I wasn’t expecting any valentine’s messages this year, let alone this one from my neighbour’s nephew.’ Photograph: Jane Turner/GuardianWitness
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You shouldn’t have. No, you really shouldn’t have.

Readers have been sharing their underwhelming love-themed photos on this most romantic day of the year, presumably in an attempt to make single people feel better about themselves.

There’s still time to add your own disappointing Valentine’s Day photos. We’ll add our favourites to the litany of averageness you can see below.

1) Underwhelming Valentine Cards

I had forgotten about Valentine's Day so had to make an emergency trip to the supermarket to buy a card for my fiancée. I grabbed the first one I saw without checking the inside or indeed noticing that it said fiancé on the front. By the time I got back to the house it was too late so I was left with no option but to "edit" the card myself. I think she saw the funny side...

This was the card my 5 year old daughter made for her 3 year old sister last Valentines Day. 'I love you the least of people I love. Well, why are you so annoying?'

2) Underwhelming Valentine foodstuffs

Window display in quirky Hebden Bridge ...the Valentine potato :-):-):-)

Just because it's Valentine's Day shouldn't stop Asturians from enjoying their traditional hearty beans-and-sausages stew, Fabada. At least that's what this lovingly decorated shop window is suggesting.

What more does the love of your life want than a heart shaped ribeye?

3) Underwhelming ... other

I'm pretty used to feigning joy and excitement when presented with children's craft but this takes the soggy biscuit.

4) Underwhelming text messages

I wasn't expecting any valentine's messages this year, let alone this one from my neighbour's nephew. Who knows, maybe next year things will be coming up roses thanks to the impromptu fertilisation of my garden.

Together for 19 years, married for 15. Neither of us can be arsed with Valentine's Day but our youngest daughter thinks we'll get divorced if we don't buy cards...

Having an underwhelming day yourself? Why not add your pictures to our callout.

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