Federal Politics

Noel Pearson's model for recognition wins support

Indigenous Australians have strongly backed  Noel Pearson's call for a new Indigenous body recognised by the constitution to have a voice to the national Parliament.

Aborigines from the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia met last weekend and emphatically backed the proposal to give them greater say in government decision-making on matters that affect them and their rights.

"There was an agreed view that the body must not be appointed or handpicked by government," a report on the meeting by the Referendum Council said.

The support came as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull prepared to present an annual report to Parliament on Tuesday showing mixed success in closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.

Mr Turnbull is expected to respond to the lack of progress by promising far more thorough evaluation of programs aimed at tackling disadvantage.

He will also detail plans to "refresh" the seven targets set in 2008 to close the gap on life expectancy, health, education and employment between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and respond to calls for targets covering mental health and incarceration rates.


Former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who delivered the apology to Indigenous Australians, has backed a justice target, as well as higher education targets.

In a speech to mark the ninth anniversary of the apology on Monday, Mr Rudd also called for a sustained focus on prevention and early intervention to respond to the "emergence of what some are calling a second stolen generation".

"Our growing challenges with child removal today are of a different order of magnitude entirely to what we saw over more than three-quarters of a century with the brutality of the Stolen Generations," he said.

The Prime Minister has moved to re-set the government's relationship with Indigenous Australia by recasting the Indigenous Advisory Council set up by Tony Abbott.

Mr Turnbull included respected leaders Chris Sarra and Andrea Mason in six new appointments to the council and gave the new group a mandate to collaborate with Indigenous leaders across the country and more direct links to decision-makers across government.

But the second of 12 Indigenous-designed and run dialogues saw emphatic support for the body proposed by Mr Pearson when the Cape York leader became convinced that a proposal for a ban on racial discrimination in the constitution was unlikely to succeed.

The Referendum Council said the Broome Dialogue was attended by a diverse cross-section of the community based on age, gender, included traditional owners and discussed all the options for recognition.  "Those who supported acknowledgement (recognition) did so on the condition it was combined with more substantive reforms, such as the Indigenous voice to Parliament," the statement said.

"This is not an exercise in tidying up the past. We are interested in shaping our future," Referendum Council Co-Chair Pat Anderson said.

The dialogues will culminate in a National Indigenous Constitutional Convention at Uluru in May, where delegates will finalise the proposal the council will put to Mr Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

With Adam Gartrell

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