
Nuclear war has been close many times in history

Few people know more about the risk of nuclear war and nuclear accidents than former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, so when he warns that the world appears to be preparing for war, we need to sit up and take notice.

As President of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was in a unique position to hear of the accidents at nuclear weapons' facilities and the false alarms that came close to triggering a nuclear exchange between the USSR and the United States.

Today most people live in blissful ignorance of the dangers.

Who can recall the Damascus Titan missile accident where an intercontinental ballistic missile, armed with a thermonuclear warhead, blew up on 18 September 1980?

How many millennials know of the B52 bomber crash in January 1961 where two live bombs fell on North Carolina; or of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 where a Soviet submarine came close to launching a nuclear armed torpedo; or of the June 1980 incident when a faulty computer chip resulted in US President Jimmy Carter's national-security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski being woken at 2.30 in the morning to be told that the Soviets had launched a nuclear missile attack and that he had only minutes to decide what to do next?

Investigative journalist Eric Schlosser goes into excruciating detail to document the accident at Damascus, Arkansas in his book Command and Control –Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety.


The simple action of dropping a socket wrench, which fell 24 metres before piercing the first-stage fuel tank, caused an explosion which blew the warhead into a ditch 30 metres from the silo.

Thankfully the warhead's safety features worked and there was neither an explosion nor a loss of radioactive material.

The Cuban missile crisis was even more frightening, taking the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Perhaps the closest call in this tensest of times came when American destroyers located a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine, B-59, in international waters approaching Cuba.

Policing the US blockade of shipping, the destroyers began dropping depth charges to force the submarine to the surface.

On board the submarine the three officers authorised to launch a nuclear torpedo had no way of knowing whether World War III had begun and argued over whether to launch a nuclear weapon to blast the US aircraft carrier Randolf out of the water. One of the officers, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, opposed the launch and without unanimous agreement it did not go ahead.

Thanks to Arkhipov and a level-headed President John F Kennedy, the world dodged a catastrophe.

It was also a close call in June 1980 when Brzezinski was woken from his sleep.

In this case it turned out that a forty-six cents defective computer chip in a communications device at North American Air Defence Command (NORAD) headquarters had generated an erroneous warning.

Schlosser says a similar false alarm had occurred the previous year, when someone mistakenly inserted a training tape, featuring a highly realistic simulation of an all-out Soviet attack, into one of NORAD's computers. During the Cold War, false alarms were also triggered by the moon rising over Norway, the launch of a weather rocket from Norway, a solar storm, sunlight reflecting off high-altitude clouds, and a faulty A.T. & T. telephone switch in Black Forest, Colorado.

The Soviets also had their scares. In 1983 they thought a NATO exercise was for real and almost responded with nuclear weapons. Australian investigative journalist Brian Toohey says that fortunately Russian spies in NATO headquarters and in London managed to convince their superiors that the "attack" was only an exercise.

The exercise would not have endangered the world if NATO officials had been forthright.

Winding down tensions, building trust and maintaining open lines of communication are essential if we are to reduce the risk of a nuclear war.

While Democratic Party politicians in the US and much of the media lambast US President Donald Trump, there are two positives arising from his election.

The first is his stated desire to develop closer relations with Russia; the second his commitment to join with the Russians to confront the Islamic State and Al Qaeda.

In contrast there was every indication that, had rival presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton been elected, she would have continued to heighten tensions with Russia and worsen the conflicts in the Middle East.

She pushed for the calamitous US military campaign to overthrow Qaddafi in Libya and leaked emails reveal that she also knew that Saudi Arabia and Qatar funded ISIL.

She did little or nothing to stop ugly Saudi operations in the region, such as Saudi financial and logistic support for ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.

Clinton and other Democratic Party politicians also showed every inclination that they were going to revive the cold war.

According to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons nine countries now possess about 15,000 nuclear weapons, with Russia and the United Sates each having about 7000.

Of these weapons - most are many times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan - roughly 1800 are on high alert.

Trump's statements give some hope that a Republican president might again make progress in arms reduction, just as President Ronald Reagan did in reaching agreement with Gorbachev.

Trump's attitude to China and to the nuclear deal the Obama administration and other countries negotiated with Iran is more troubling.

The Trump administration would be foolish to threaten the Comprehensive Plan of Action which aims to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be peaceful.

Provocative US military action in the South China Sea, dressed up as "Freedom of Navigation," needs to be toned down.

But there is no indication that Trump will take a more moderate position than the Obama administration.

With all the contradictory messages Trump sends out, and given that some of his Cabinet may not share his view of Russia, China or the Middle East, it's anyone's guess how things will pan out.

A trivial event might spark a gross over-reaction and war.

Hopefully Gorbachev is wrong.

Hopefully Trump will make his name as Reagan and Gorbachev did, by negotiating further nuclear arms reduction agreements.