Climate change sucks.
Let's do something about it.
The government is freezing the cheapest and cleanest forms of power out of our energy system.
It’s time to stand up for onshore wind and for solar.
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Last year we asked the government to give onshore wind financial support. They didn't say no... but they didn't say yes either. So we need to keep the pressure high.
The government want to kick onshore wind off our shores. But their solution not only takes away our cheapest low carbon tech, but drags solar down with it.
It's great news that coal is dropping like a stone in our energy mix. But what is picking up the slack?
Dinosaurs belong in the ground, in the cinema, in a lab, or pieced together looking awesome in your local natural history museum. Burning them is probably a bad idea.
Last autumn, 18,000 of us asked the government to support onshore wind. This is what they government said back.
38% of British CO2 emissions comes from heating. So if we're going to tackle climate change, we need to do something about heat.
A bit of basic draught-proofing can help loads, but if we really want to take action on energy waste, we need political support.
2016 hasn't been the easiest year. But there have still been plenty of successes and unstoppable action on climate change for us to celebrate.