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Trump: The Point of No Return, by Simon Cooper

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In this excerpt from the forthcoming editorial of Arena Magazine, Simon Cooper argues that if a genuine alternative to Trump is to appear, liberals and progressives must recognise where their oppositional values come from, and the limits of the settings that produced them. Such settings, premised on global trade and hyper-consumption, are unsustainable for life itself, not merely politically divisive.

Global Avarice, by Alison Caddick

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If the money relation sits at the heart of capitalism, how does its present, twenty-first-century form, digitised and ultra-globalised, break asunder the assumptions and ethics of a given world?

Turnbull’s Response to Terror in Brussels

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In Turnbull’s view, terrorists just appear and organise: all we can do is defend ourselves against them. We need good policy over time on social integration and, apart from this, strong security institutions. This is a war debate, or a debate by a society not wanting to think too much about relations with other cultures or institutional development. It is a debate constructed to win an election rather than seriously take hold of what is happening…

Liberal Tax Dilemma a Sign of the Times

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As Malcolm Turnbull faces the reality of an unpredictable public and an imminent election, he is not finding life all that easy.. Being popular without actual policy had only a short term prospect, and most actual policies that are briefly floated turn out to be fraught one way or another. The most exciting of times are hardly straight-forward.