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Indigenous affairs

Auditing Indigenous Poverty

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A major challenge all political parties face is that Indigenous poverty is deeply embedded and structural and will take a long time, innovative policy and major investments to address. The diversity of Indigenous circumstances means that a diversity of approaches will be required, but the major parties are committed to mainstreaming or normalisation options. It is only the Greens that are serious about the recognition of difference and the need for approaches that emphasise social justice.

Practical Reconciliation and the Current Crisis in Indigenous Affairs

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What we are witnessing is the (re-)adoption of empty and often unwelcome symbolism as a cover for the failure of practical policies in Indigenous affairs. And this is a direct outcome of what was one of John Howard’s most significant interventions into Indigenous affairs: his bifurcation of the “symbolic” and “practical” aspects of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia, and the flow-on of this cleavage into Indigenous affairs policy-making more broadly.

Indigenous Australia and the 2016 Budget: The Great Australian Fiscal Silence

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In 1968 anthropologist Bill Stanner spoke of the Great Australian Silence in relation to the historical mistreatment of Indigenous peoples, a national myopia. The just announced 2016 Budget could be similarly termed ‘the Great Australian Fiscal Silence’, a fiscal myopia incommensurate with the level of need.

The Intervention

Book Launch – ‘The Intervention: an Anthology’

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‘concerned Australians’ together with Arena Magazine & Journal warmly invite you to the Melbourne book launch of ‘The Intervention: an Anthology’ : a historic anthology, bringing together Australia’s finest Indigenous and non-Indigenous writers on an issue largely unknown to the public.