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Arena journal no.6

1996: General Issue

ARENA journal

Number Six, 1996


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The Autonomous Mass Killer Geoff Sharp

Commentaries: The World at Large

‘The Peace of cowards’: Crisis and Confrontation in the Middle East Jeremy Salt
The Fascist Essence: Now as Then Robin Rodd
‘Cultural Dominance at its most Benevolent’: An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Julie Stephens

Gender Politics

Politics of Changing Men R.W. Connell
Feminism and Fashion: A Critical Appraisal Llewellyn Negrin
‘Tougher Than the Rest’: Mike Tyson and the Destructive Desires of Masculinity Tony Jefferson

Transgression and the Culture Industry

Duchamp’s Queer Signature Rex Butler
The Art Curator, Our Cultural Transponder Juan Davila

Holocausts and Memory

Memorializing Mass Murder: Entertainmentality at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Timothy Luke

Benjamin, Technology, Aura

Walter Benjamin and Technology: Social Form and the Recovery of Aura Simon Cooper

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