Categorised in:

Arena journal no.5

1995: General Issue

ARENA journal

Number Five, 1995


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Enforcing the Peace Geoff Sharp

Commentaries: The World at Large

Making Meaning of the Yuendumu Doors Melinda Hinkson
The Secret of the Ngarrindjeri: The Fabrication of Social Knowledge James F. Weiner
(Post)Modernity/(Post)Coloniality: Mark Poster’s ‘A Second Media Age’ Christopher Wise

Transitions to Postmodernity: Self, State, Market

‘Not a Postmodern Nomad’: A Conversation with Stuart Hall Les Terry
Vertigo: Postmodernism and the Market John Docker
Faults: On Contemporary Subjectivity and the Possibility of Authorship McKenzie Wark
A Meaningless Emancipation: A Review of John Docker and Ken Wark Simon Cooper

Critique: The PostStructuralist Wave

Social Form and Discourse Theory: Foucault and the Hidden Sociology of Post Structuralism Geoff Sharp
Governmentality: The Specific Intellectual and the Postmodern State John Hinkson
Impossible Marx Kevin Hart
The Light of Redemption: Adorno and the Task of Critical Reason Trevor Maddock

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