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Arena journal no.4

1994/95: General Issue

ARENA journal

Number Four, 1994/95


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At the Centre of Globalization Geoff Sharp

Commentaries: The World at Large

The Olympic Games and Global Society Paul Gillen
Learning from Prozac: Depression and Postmodernity Guy Rundle
Trade and Trade Blocs: NAFTA, APEC, and the Rest Rodney Maddock
Resisting Globalization: Alternative Discourse in India Salim Lakha

The Nation and Globalization

Nationalism: The Last Rites? Ross Poole
Reconstituting the Nation-State: A Postmodern Republic takes Shape Paul James

Feminism: Theory and Practice

Time for Feminist Approaches to Technologies, ‘Nature’ and Work Barbara Adam
Will the New Woman Keep Some of the Old Organs? Lorraine Mortimer

Dilemmas of Postmodernity

Postmodern Tension: The Dialectic of PostEnlightenment Thought Colin Hay
Globalization, Postmodernity and the Environment Arran Gare

Symposium: Governing the School

Neither Profane Nor Sacred Philip Wexler
Sympathy for the Bureaucrat Johan Muller
Rethinking the Real Andrew Brown
Spectres of Schooling and Utopia Paul Dowling


The Go-For-Broke Game of History Scott McQuire
Perseid Dimensions of the Public Intellectual: George Grant And the Irrelevance of Criticism Robin Lathangue

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