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Arena journal no.32

2009: General Issue

ARENA journal

Number Thirty-two, 2009



Human Security and the Darkness in the World Paul James 2


The Turkish State and the Ottoman Armenians Dennis Walker 11
The Real Bush Doctrine? The Nuclear Option Aiden Warren 21
Who Won the Cold War? And Why Does it Matter Joseph M. Siracusa 33
Following the Funa: Punishing the State in Chile Peter Read 45
Engaging Jakarta: Excusing Violence Adam Hughes Henry 53


New Deal? The Adam Smith Attachment Tom Nairn 67
Neoliberal Theory and Practice Andrew Thackrah 83
State-Building: Exporting State Failure Chris Bickerton 101
The Turbulent Pacific James Heartfield 125
Critical Security Studies: Are They Really Critical? Tara McCormack 139

Theory and Politics

Restraining Evil: Apocalyptic Narcissism and the War on Terror Neal Curtis 153
Lineages of the Levels Approach: The Arena of Critical Theory Lindsay Fitzclarence 177
Negation and Politics: A Reply to Matthew Sharpe On Alain Badiou Jonathon Collerson 201
A Response to Jonathon Collerson Matthew Sharpe 215