Catch up on the latest from Australia's national dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander news service.

The Morrison government may target 'sensitive' welfare recipients with an automated debt recovery program to meet $600 million in savings.
Public drunkenness will be decriminalised in Victoria on the eve of a coronial inquest into the death of an Aboriginal woman who died in police custody.
Today marks 53 years since hundreds of Gurindji stockmen and their families walked off Wave Hill protesting against poor working conditions and the theft of their...
Ken Wyatt says it is important to provide a view from the shore when a replica of James Cook's ship HMS Endeavour sails around the country.
A site unearthed in the Kimberly region of Western Australia offers glimpses into First Nations life before and after the Ice Age.
The controversial politician claims she was given permission to climb Uluru by a group that appears to have no official recognition.
The courts have provided little guidance on whether politically-motivated crimes are better or worse than crimes from 'common criminals'.

Other Latest Stories

A performance combining traditional music, dance and language with cutting-edge beats and multimedia has left a mark on the talent show judges.
A $350 million deal for Kakadu National Park aims to boost tourist numbers and save the town of Jabiru.
The country’s water crisis is coming to a head in the remote Northern Territory community of Yuendumu.
Australia has lost one of its finest sportsmen with the passing of Australian Rules football legend Graham "Polly" Farmer.
David Darcy's striking portrait of West Australian Aboriginal Elder Daisy Tjuparntarri Ward has won the 2019 Archibald Prize people's choice award.
NT Families Minister Dale Wakefield has ignored the Royal Commission by building a new youth justice centre next to an adult jail.
Fashion design today is being shaped by First Nations people at every level.
Aboriginal artists from Western Australia's outback have teamed up with leading fashion label Gorman for a unique collaboration.
The boss of the NRL has praised Latrell Mitchell's decision to call out vile racial abuse on social media.
Victoria's Traditional Owners have one week left to nominate for a First People's Assembly which will help shape treaty negotiations.
The ‘fresh prince of Arnhem Land’ picked up the artist of the year award while Mojo Juju won best album and best song.
Ancient traditions meet modern technology at the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards.
Better access to eye testing, affordable glasses and timely medical treatment could save the sight of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Read the full transcript of a powerful statement read on behalf of the Garma festival's youth forum.
The basketball star, who recently signed the richest deal ever by an Australian athlete, claimed on social media he was denied entry to the gaming venue.
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A pilot project has been given the green light to expand into another high school where organisers are looking at changing the curriculum to help preserve the...
A number of Aboriginal students in Western Australia have been awarded an inaugural scholarship to help them with their schooling many decided to go into the...
The generous fund honours the life and activism of Yorta Yorta leader William Cooper.
Year 11 and 12 students at Peel High in the regional New South Wales city of Tamworth are the first at their school to study the local Gamilaraay language.
A writing and illustration workshop seeks to nurture the next generation of Aboriginal storytellers.
A move to incorporate Indigenous culture into the science curriculum is defended.
The series is aimed at lifting literacy rates in remote communities.
The Executive Director of the Literacy for Life Foundation, Jack Beetson has slammed the education system for failing Aboriginal communities.
Geographical isolation is not only a major challenge for Indigenous women giving birth, but also for those studying to be their midwives.
A development at a university residential college will become the largest Indigenous tertiary residential program in Australia.
Tens of thousands of school children are being asked to swap a good book with their mates as part of a campaign to help improve literacy rates among Indigenous...
The West Australian state government has announced a new initiative aimed to improve the educational outcomes for students in the north-west.