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Adolescence and early adulthood is a time of significant change encompassing a range of key transitions such as finishing school, starting further education or joining the workforce, starting relationships, moving out of the family home, and starting a family. Each of these transitions comes with their own challenges. How young people navigate these changes can affect the rest of their life course significantly.

As recognition of the importance of this life period, the National Youth information Framework agreed by the National Youth Information Advisory Committee (NYIAG) is designed to focus policy attention on identified priority areas for young people aged 12–24.

The National Youth Information Framework covers 5 key areas (or tiers), with a total of 38 indicators across 16 sub-domains in this 2015 release. Disagregations include age, sex and Indigenous status. A quick reference guide illustrating the 38 indicators by sub-domain including the most recent data and trends for each indicator has also been included.

This work builds on AIHW's publication Young Australians: their health and wellbeing report released in 2011 and is a companion product to the existing Children's Headline Indicators dynamic data display.

dynamic data display icon 36px GIFDynamic data display

Dynamic data displays are available for the 38 Youth Headline Indicators that currently have suitable data (note some indicators are combined in one display). Users can customise charts and tables according to year and where available significant population groups such as by Indigenous status. Data can be exported by right clicking on any chart/table.

Data views will open in a new window.

Please note

The dynamic data display requires Adobe Flash Player 11.1 or later and has minimum browser requirements.

Data may take a couple of minutes to download. Data are subject to minor revisions over time.

Young people in Australia: demographic overview

The demographics overview report describes Australia's youth population in terms of size and composition. It provides context for exploring the influences on young people's health and wellbeing in the rest of the dynamic data display.

Indicator quick reference guide

The quick reference guide provides an overview of the 38 indicators included in the dynamic data display, including trend data.
