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The National Core Maternity Indicators present information on measures of clinical activity and outcomes between 2004 and 2013. The purpose of the Indicators is to monitor the safety and quality of maternity care to ensure that there is continual improvement in the quality of maternity services following the introduction of the National Maternity Services Plan (AHMAC 2011). This report and data portal release covers 15 discrete indicators, of which 3 are new indicators, while 12 have been updated with the most recently available 2013 national perinatal data. Data are presented by jurisdiction, by Primary Health Network, and at the national level by hospital annual number of births, hospital sector, and mother’s Indigenous status. Some indicators are presented by remoteness.

The following National core maternity indicators report series contains baseline data and commentary for these indicators.

The AIHW acknowledges the clinical advice and input of the Expert Commentary Group and funding from the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council Maternity Services Inter-jurisdictional Committee.

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Please make your selection from the list of indicators below.

The quick reference guide provides an overview of the indicators included in the dynamic display, including trend data.

Data will open in a new window.

Indicator quick reference guide
A Antenatal period
No. Indicator description
A1a Smoking in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy for all women giving birth (new—formerly 'Smoking at any time during pregnancy')
A1b Smoking after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy for all women who gave birth and reported smoking during pregnancy (new—formerly 'Smoking at any time during pregnancy')  
A2 Antenatal care in the first trimester for all women giving birth (update)  
B Labour and birth
No. Indicator description
B1 Induction of labour for selected women giving birth for the first time (update)  
B2 Unassisted (non-instrumental) vaginal birth for selected women giving birth for the first time (update)
B3 Assisted (instrumental) vaginal birth for selected women giving birth for the first time (update)
B4a Episiotomy for women having their first baby and giving birth vaginally unassisted (non-instrumental) (update)
B4b Episiotomy for women having their first baby and giving birth vaginally assisted (instrumental) (update)  
B5 Caesarean section for selected women giving birth for the first time (update)  
B6 Women having their second birth vaginally whose first birth was by caesarean section (new)  
B7 General anaesthetic for women giving birth by caesarean section (update)
C Birth outcomes
No. Indicator description
C1a Third and fourth degree tears for all vaginal first births (new)
C1b Third and fourth degree tears for all vaginal births (new)  
C2 Apgar score of less than 7 at 5 minutes for births at or after term (update)  
C3 Small babies among births at or after 40 weeks gestation (update)  

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Data may take a couple of minutes to download.

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