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The National Perinatal Data Development Committee (NPDDC) is an advisory committee to the National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit (NPESU).

The role of the NPDDC is to:

  • provide expert technical advice on perinatal data and statistics
  • review and recommend perinatal data items for inclusion, modification or deletion in METeOR and the Perinatal National Minimum Data Set via the National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee (NHISSC)
  • advise the NPESU on state and territory data collection processes relating to perinatal health
  • provide advice on the costs and timing of implementing proposed new data items for national reporting, including the capacity and preparedness of the jurisdictions and other relevant bodies/agencies to collect and provide these data as part of the Perinatal NMDS
  • advise on the content and structure of the annual report—Australia’s mothers and babies
  • work with the National Birth Anomalies Steering Committee on an integrated program of data development for the national congenital anomalies and perinatal data collections
  • exchange information and consult with other stakeholders in perinatal health in Australia on the appropriateness, relevance, quality, comprehensiveness and clarity of national perinatal data
  • promote the use of national standards in relevant local and national data collections.

Reporting arrangements

Whilst the NPDDC is not a sub-committee of NHISSC, any data development associated with the Perinatal National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) must go through NHISSC.


Chair: Sue Cornes (Queensland Health)


The NPDDC is comprised of perinatal data managers from each state and territory health authority and AIHW, with temporary members invited on a transitory basis as their expertise is required.

Meeting details

The NPDDC will meet quarterly, holding 3 teleconferences and at least 1 face-to-face meeting per year. 

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.
