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The National Advisory Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Information and Data (NAGATSIHID) was established following a decision taken at the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC) meeting in October 2000.

The role of NAGATSIHID is to:

  • advise and advocate on improving the quality of Indigenous health information
  • advise on the use of Indigenous health information.

The NAGATSIHID strategic plan 2011–2015 is a vision that builds on the past and sets out a forward plan over the next 20 years. 

NAGATSIHID membership comprises the following:

  • Chair (AHMAC representative)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (1 representative)
  • The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (1 representative)
  • Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (1 representative)
  • Department of Health (1 representative)
  • Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (1 representative)
  • Torres Strait Islander (mainland) (1 representative)
  • National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee (2 representatives)
  • National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Health Standing Committee (2 representatives)
  • National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (2 representatives)
  • Indigenous advisors on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and welfare (4 representatives, one of whom is also the Deputy Chair)
  • Epidemiologist with expertise in Indigenous health issues (1 representative)
  • Observers National Health and Medical Research Council (1 observer)

A key priority of NAGATSIHID is to maintain an Indigenous majority at meetings.

For further information on the governance arrangements of NAGATSIHID please refer to the business rules (4.8MB DOC)

Meeting dates 2016

  • 17 March 2016 - NAGATSIHID meeting (Sydney)
  • 12 October 2016 - NAGATSIHID/NATSIHSC joint meeting (Melbourne)
  • 13 October 2016 - NAGATSIHID meeting (Melbourne)


Deputy Chair  
Ms Deborah Reid

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.

Phone: 02 6244 1058
Fax: 02 6244 1111
Postal Address: Executive Unit
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601