All governance and public policy publications and resources

Title Publication type Author/Editor Date
AIATSIS and AIGI survey of gaps and challenges in Indigenous governance research and practical tools : draft summary
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • Toni Bauman
  • Dr Diane E. Smith
  • Dr Christiane Keller
Sep, 2014
How can we work better together so that decisions are meaningful and agreements stick?
Research outputs
  • Dr Christiane Keller
  • Toni Bauman
Aug, 2014
Background Paper to the Indigenous Governance Development: a forum to map current and future research and resource needs
Research outputs
  • Dr Diane E. Smith
  • Toni Bauman
Jul, 2014
AIATSIS Position on proposal for Constitutional Recognition
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Prof Michael Dodson
Apr, 2013
Submission to the Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Prof Michael Dodson
Jan, 2013
Submission to the Inquiry into Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration) Bill 2012
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Dec, 2012
Guidebook for supporting participatory monitoring and evaluation of jointly managed parks in the Northern Territory
Research outputs
  • Dr Arturo Izurieta
  • Dr Natasha Stacey
  • Johanna Karam
Aug, 2011
Monitoring and evaluation of joint management of parks and reserves in the Northern Territory
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • Dr Natasha Stacey
  • Dr Arturo Izurieta
Jun, 2010
Reconciling Indigenous Peoples' Sovereignty and State Sovereignty
Discussion paper
  • Prof Paul L.A.H. Chartrand
Sep, 2009

This discussion paper explores common features of the Indigenous reconciliation debate in both Canada and Australia.

Maps to Success: successful strategies in Indigenous organisations
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2007

Maps to Success is the product of a national study to chart initiatives in local Indigenous organisations that had helped to promote community wellbeing and overcome disadvantage. It is a handbook Indigenous organisations can use in developing their own strategies for success.

Organising for success: Policy report
Research outputs
  • Dr Julie Finlayson
Jun, 2007

Informed by a wide-ranging study of community experiences, this is a policy paper for funding agencies and government policy and program developers on proven successful strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

Final report of the Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project July 2003-June 2006: research findings, recommendations and implementation
Research outputs
  • Toni Bauman
Dec, 2006

The Native Title Act emphasises agreement-making through non-adversarial approaches such as mediation, facilitation and negotiation. This final report of the AIATSIS Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project provides best practice approaches.

Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project Final Seminar
Research outputs
  • Toni Bauman
Jul, 2006

A PowerPoint presentation given at AIATSIS in 2006 summarising the Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project.

Not fit for modern Australian society: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs
Discussion paper
  • Kerry Arabena
Dec, 2005

This is the story of one Indigenous woman's thoughts and analysis of the first 12 months of the Government's new arrangements in the administration of Indigenous affairs. It also outlines the background, the details and the impact of the new arrangements on Indigenous people.

Culture, conflict management and native title: an emerging bibliography
Research outputs
  • Sally Brockwell
  • Kitty Eggerking
  • Rebecca Morphy
  • Toni Bauman
Jun, 2005

Research into decision-making and conflict management and the role �culture’ plays in such processes is assuming increasing importance globally. This bibliography provides a broad range of references and some practical resources concerning culture, decision-making, conflict management and native title in Australia.

The Limitations of Litigation in Stolen Generations Cases
Discussion paper
  • Chris Cunneen
  • Julia Grix
Dec, 2004

This paper reviews the progress of litigation by members of the Stolen Generations in Australia's courts. It looks at the key applicants and their claims, the unique difficulties they have encountered and the limitations of the litigation process.

ATSIC: Origins and Issues for the Future. A Critical Review of Public Domain Research and Other Materials
Discussion paper
  • Kingsley Palmer
Dec, 2004

A review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC). Topics include its origins, public and political statements, public policy and research relevant to ATSIC.

Submission to the Inquiry into the Administration of Indigenous Affairs
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2004
Submission to the Consultation on the Definition of a Charity
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2003
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Capacity Building in Indigenous Communities
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Aug, 2002
Submission to the Inquiry into consistency of the Native Title Amendment Act 1998 with Australia's international obligations under the CERD
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Jessica Weir
  • Prof Michael Dodson
Feb, 2000
Genocide in Australia
Discussion paper
  • Colin Tatz
Dec, 1999

This paper examines and explains the catastrophic reduction of the Indigenous Australian population. It also looks at disease as a form of genocide, the killing of Indigenous people, forced assimilation, the Stolen Generations, and the apology and acknowledgement.

Indigenous Governance: The Harvard Project on Native American Economic Development and appropriate principles of governance for Aboriginal Australia
Discussion paper
  • Patrick Sullivan

This paper addresses how to effectively service the needs of Aboriginal people; encourage good governance through self-determination and ensure respect for civil and human rights within Aboriginal communities. It looks at the example of the Harvard Project on Indian Economic Development (US) relating it to problems rather than solutions within the context of Aboriginal political life.