Associated entities

Updated: 6 July 2016

An associated entity under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (s287) means an entity:

  • that is controlled by one or more registered political parties; or
  • that operates wholly or to a significant extent for the benefit of one or more registered political parties; or
  • that is a financial member of a registered political party; or
  • on whose behalf another person is a financial member of a registered political party; or
  • that has voting rights in a registered political party; or
  • on whose behalf another person has voting rights in a registered political party.

Examples of associated entities include '500 clubs', 'think tanks', registered clubs, service companies, trade unions and corporate party members.

Associated Entities are required to lodge an Associated Entity Disclosure Return by 20 October each year.

Financial Disclosure Guide for Associated Entities

The Financial Disclosure Guide for Associated Entities is designed to assist associated entities to understand their financial disclosure obligations under the provisions of Part XX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Act).

This guide provides information derived from the Act as well as from the experiences of the AEC in the administration of the Commonwealth funding and disclosure scheme.

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