Named after Norman Lindsay (1879–1969), a well known writer and artist.
339 sq km
Location Description:
Lindsay covers an area from Agnes Banks and Londonderry in the north to Mulgoa and Badgerys Creek (part) in the south, Colyton in the east and Leonay in the west. Suburbs include Anges Banks, Badgerys Creek (part), Berkshire Park, Cambridge Gardens, Castlereagh, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Cranebrook, Emu Plains, Glenmore Park, Kingswood, Leonay, Llandilo, Luddenham, Mulgoa, Orchard Hills, Penrith, Regentville, St Marys, Werrington and Werrington County. This description reflects local government areas in existence in 2015.
Products/industries of the area:
Agriculture, farming (dairying, poultry, beef, fruit, vegetables), distilling (saki), construction and service industries, tourism, wholesale and retail trade, building materials, engineering and electrical equipment, textiles, plastic and aluminium products, colour TV manufacturing, pharmaceutical goods and concrete and gravel extraction.
First proclaimed/election:
Demographic rating:
Outer Metropolitan – situated in capital cities and containing large areas of recent suburban expansion.