2013 federal election downloads and statistics

Updated: 1 July 2015


Voting statistics

Pre-poll voting

The statistics show the latest available figures for the number of pre-poll votes issued.

Postal voting

The statistics show the number of postal vote applications processed for a division.

Overseas voting

The statistics show the number of votes processed by overseas post, and by division.

Across all 102 overseas posts plus the 4 Australian Defence Force (ADF) voting teams, 75 816 votes were taken in total. 74 475 were pre-poll votes issued and 1 341 were postal votes received. The 4 ADF voting teams took a total of 1 840 votes.

As in previous federal elections, the post in London issued the most votes with 15 003.

The division which received the most number of overseas votes was the Division of Sydney with 2 353 votes.

Enrolment statistics

The AEC publishes enrolment statistics on a regular basis to show the number of Australians enrolled nationally, and by state/territory and division.

Daily enrolment counts are available from 6 August to 14 August 2013. These statistics include:

  • federal enrolment by state/territory – size of the electoral roll
  • online enrolment service (OES) applications received
    • cumulative from 6 June
    • by day

The AEC's online enrolment service (OES) was enhanced to include online signature capture on 6 June 2013.

Daily enrolment counts

Reference data for the 2013 federal election

Historical votes data

Download historical vote data extracts for all states and notional vote history for Victoria and South Australia (redistributed since the 2010 federal election).

Preliminary reference data