
Updated: 28 April 2016

Do I have to enrol and vote for federal elections?

It is compulsory for you to enrol for federal elections if you are:

  • 18 years of age or over, and
  • an Australian citizen (or a British subject who was on the Commonwealth electoral roll on 25 January 1984).

If you are serving a full-time prison sentence of less than three years you can vote in federal elections.

If your sentence is three years or longer, you can remain on the roll but you are not entitled to vote until you are released from prison.

To enrol to vote, select the enrolment form for your state or territory from the list below.

How can I vote while I'm in prison?

You can vote by post or a mobile voting team may visit your prison in the two weeks before the election day so you can vote.

To vote by post, you can register as a general postal voter on this form. This means at the time of an election your ballot papers will be automatically sent to your postal address.

Do I have to enrol and vote in state and local government elections?

The enrolment and voting obligations for people in prison are different in each state and territory. Please refer to the relevant state or territory enrolment form below for more information.

Prisoner enrolment forms

Returning your completed form