Equality and Human Rights

19 Jun 2015

“It’s critical that we show our solidarity with Aboriginal people though action and justice. This is the only way our nation will be able to truly move beyond shame to reconciliation.” — James Clancy, National President

15 Feb 2017

“The LCBO has discriminated against workers in its largest female-dominated job classification for decades, and now that is coming to an end. It is a huge step forward for these precarious workers and their families.” — Denise Davis, Chair, OPSEU's Liquor Board Employees Division

16 Jan 2017

"The litany of historical wrongs perpetrated against the Indigenous Peoples of both of our countries is long and shameful. Leonard’s case is an example of this legacy." - Larry Brown, President NUPGE

11 Jan 2017

"There is an opportunity to bring peace to many families who have lost loved ones, but also to address the factors that have contributed to this tragedy, such as racism, poverty, and sexism." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

06 Jan 2017

Former U.S. prosecutor of Leonard Peltier has written President Obama requesting clemency for the aging Native American activist.

02 Dec 2016

“We congratulate the B.C. government for taking this important first step to implement the recommendations of the Plecas report." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

09 Nov 2016

“This is an historic agreement by any measure. As a result of this deal, more than 4,000 casuals will be on a pay grid that takes them to the top rate earned by full-time permanent staff." — Denise Davis, Chair of OPSEU's Liquor Board Employees Division

03 Nov 2016

 "For a long time, we have said that the current program does not adequately cover the needs of workers during these periods of their lives. We hope the government is listening to what we have to say." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

02 Nov 2016

"How much more evidence does our government need to prove that women continue to face inequality and discrimination? We need a government that will not just talk about improving equality but one that will actually act." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

01 Nov 2016

"On behalf of all BCGEU/NUPGE members, I’d like to thank Mary Ellen for her service and the legacy of passion and commitment to our province’s most vulnerable that she leaves behind." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President


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