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Orders Best Practices

Refresh Rate

When a refresh rate is set too low, the user is less engaged and less willing to click the ad. By setting the refresh rate for banners closer to 30 seconds, a publisher should see an increase in CTR.

In the Dashboard, click on the ad unit you want to modify, then click on the ‘Edit Ad Unit Settings’ button.

Once the ad unit details have appeared, you can enter the new refresh rate in the “Refresh Interval” feed.


Promotional Campaigns

House campaigns help drive more downloads to your existing applications, resulting in a larger user base and more advertising revenue. This can be accomplished by setting up a promotional or backfill promotional campaign.

  • Run a promotional campaign with a frequency cap to capture users before monetizing through advertising.
  • By working with a rich media partner, you can run promotional campaigns that go beyond static banner or interstitial creatives. This will increase CTRs and engagements with your house ads!
  • Always include conversion tracking code, so that you can track how many users install your applications.
  • Backfill promotional campaigns ensure that 100% of your requests are filled with impressions and none of your inventory goes to waste.


Driving In-App Purchases

One of the coolest and slightly under appreciated aspects of MoPub is the ability to use custom URI’s to drive directly to in-app purchases. The custom URI scheme is used to launch itself from either a browser or from another application.

  • To have the click-through of ads lead to an in-app purchase, you’ll need to set up a custom URI scheme (see example). Once you do that, all you have to do is drop the custom URI into the click-through URL field of the creative.
  • Promotional Campaigns: In-app purchase campaigns would be set up as promotional or house campaigns.
  • User Targeting: In-app purchases can be targeted to users that already have certain applications installed, essentially driving the user from one application to another. For cross-promotions, MoPub is able to tell when the in-app purchase campaign should be shown if the user already has that app installed, and vice versa, which can dramatically amplify user engagement.



MRAID is an IAB standard for mobile advertisers and publishers that allows rich media ad creatives to run across all compliant devices and applications.

  • Currentlyour preferred rich media vendors are listed here.
  • Make sure before you beginning running rich media campaigns that you have updated to the most recent versions of the SDK.
  • Test your tags in a test build of your application before committing to an advertiser.
  • Keep the user’s experience in mind – Don’t overload them with too many rich media ads!