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Integrating Interstitial Ads – iOS

Interstitial ads provide full-screen experiences, commonly incorporating rich media to offer a higher level of interactivity than banner ads. Interstitial ads are typically shown during natural transitions in your application, such as after completing a game level, after a predefined number of user actions have been carried out or while your app is downloading content from the internet.


Before integrating interstitial ads in your app, you’ll need to go through the steps in our Getting Started Guide to create an account on MoPub and integrate the SDK into your project.

Basic integration

  1. In your view controller’s header file:Import the `MPInterstitialAdController.h` header file and declare an `MPInterstitialAdController *interstitial` property.  Declare that your view controller implements the `MPInterstitialAdControllerDelegate` protocol.
  2. In your view controller’s implementation file, instantiate an `MPInterstitialAdController` using the class convenience method `+interstitialAdControllerForAdUnitId:`, passing in your ad unit ID.
  3. Register your view controller as the `interstitial`’s delegate. (e.g. `self.interstitial.delegate = self;`)
  4. Pre-fetch the interstitial ad by calling `-loadAd` on the `interstitial`.
  5. When you’d like to display the ad, check the ad’s `ready` property.
  6. If the ad is ready to be shown, call `-showFromViewController:` on the `interstitial`, passing in your view controller. The following code snippets demonstrate the above steps in the context of a game application; specifically, how to pre-fetch an interstitial and display it after a level has ended. >

IMPORTANT: If you are using MRC you’ll need to set the `-fobjc-arc` compiler flag on these files.

// MyViewController.h

#import "MPInterstitialAdController.h" //If using the open source SDK

@interface MyViewController : UIViewController 

@property (nonatomic) MPInterstitialAdController *interstitial;

// MyViewController.m

#import "MyViewController.h"

@implementation MyViewController

// Our loadView implementation will pre-fetch our interstitial ad.
- (void)loadView {
    // ... your other -loadView code ...
    [self loadInterstitial];

- (void)loadInterstitial {
    // Instantiate the interstitial using the class convenience method.
    self.interstitial = [MPInterstitialAdController

    // Fetch the interstitial ad.
    [self.interstitial loadAd];

// Present the ad only after it is ready.
- (void)levelDidEnd {
    if (self.interstitial.ready) [self.interstitial showFromViewController:self];
    else {
        // The interstitial wasn't ready, so continue as usual.

Receiving optional delegate callbacks

*MPInterstitialAdControllerDelegate* includes a variety of optional callbacks tthat you can use to be notified of events, e.g. when an interstitial has successfully loaded, or when an interstitial is about to appear. Check out the MPInterstitialAdControllerDelegate in MPInterstitialAdController.h for a list of these methods.

Example 1 (Pre-fetching): You can be notified that an interstitial was fetched successfully by implementing `-interstitialDidLoadAd:`.

Example 2 (Presentation/dismissal callbacks): Suppose that your application is a game. You’d like to pause the game whenever you present an interstitial, and resume it when the interstitial is dismissed. You can accomplish this using the optional `-interstitialWillAppear:` and `-interstitialDidDisappear` delegate callbacks:

- (void)interstitialWillAppear:(MPInterstitialAdController *)interstitial {
    [self pauseGame];

- (void)interstitialDidDisappear:(MPInterstitialAdController *)interstitial {
    [self resumeGame];