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Rewarded Video Best Practices

When using rewarded video ads, It’s a good idea to follow these best practices:

  • Use lazy loading: wait until the interstitial ad will be needed/used to load it.
    • Benefit: This will help avoid issues with time-outs and cancellation during the period when the ad is loaded on the device but not shown, and thus improve fill rate.
    • Beware: Make sure to allow enough time (30 seconds-1 minute) for the video to load. Make use of MoPub’s provided event listeners.
  • Make use of mediation settings to pass third-party network settings, for example passing custom-id to Chartboost and configuring ‘yes’ to the end-card of Vungle’s videos.
  • In the integration, use reward’s currency type to verify your ad network’s currency type before you reward your user.
  • Avoid placements that could interrupt core elements of the app experience. You can keep a close eye on your analytics data to avoid diminishing returns.
  • Monitor the success of each video placement; if a placement isn’t generating revenue, move it to a different part of your app.
  • Rewarded ad units can (and should) be used in combination with regular video (VAST or MRAID) interstitials.
  • If your app sessions tend to be short (< 1 min), you may want to limit to regular static interstitials rather than rewarded video.
  • Be patient, when rewarded video placements first go live, it will take some lead time for our demand partners to learn about your inventory and increase their spend.
  • Be wary of partners in your waterfall that are not failing over correctly, as this will cause a decrease in your fill rate.