Privacy and Legals

This website is managed by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. This notification of collection outlines the Department's collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in relation to your use of this website in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.


Our Privacy Policy contains information about the kinds of personal information we collect and hold, and the purposes for which we use and disclose personal information. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how you can seek access or correction to your personal information.

It also contains details about how you can complain about a breach of the Privacy Act by us, and how we will deal with such a complaint. Further details about the Department's handling of personal information is contained in the Department's Privacy Policy


Post: The Privacy Contact Officer
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500 Canberra
ACT 2600


We will only disclose your personal information, for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was given to us, where we are authorised to do so pursuant to the Privacy Act.

Collection of personal information

Clickstream data (information logged)

When visiting this site, a record of your visit is logged. This 'clickstream data' is collected for statistical purposes and is used to help improve this website. The following information is supplied by your browser (for example Internet Explorer) and collected by us:

  • the user's server address
  • the user's operating system (for example Windows, MAC)
  • the user's top level domain name (for example .com, .gov)
  • the date and time of the visit to the site
  • the pages accessed and the documents downloaded
  • the previous site visited
  • the type of browser used.


When you email us personal information, or provide it to us through 'contact us' options provided through this site:

  • we will record your email address and any other information submitted
  • we will use this information for the purpose for which you provide it
  • your email address will not be added to a mailing list, unless provided by you specifically for that purpose.

If you fail to provide us with a minimum level of information (usually marked with an asterisk and generally, an email address), we may not be able to respond to you.

Subscription services

Personal information is collected by us when you subscribe to any subscription service on this website. The contact information you provide will only be used for the purposes of the subscription service. If you fail to provide the personal information we request when you subscribe, we may not be able to provide the subscription service to you.

Twitter policies and guidelines

@pmc_gov_au twitter account

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's official Twitter presence is @pmc_gov_au.

It's an account that supports engagement with the community by starting and participating in conversations around its core priorities.

Management of @pmc_gov_au

All areas within the Department contribute to the content tweeted by @pmc_gov_au including:

  • Domestic Policy
  • National Security and International Policy
  • Indigenous Affairs
  • Governance

Tweets are usually about the policies and programmes that form the responsibilities of the above groups. We also might post about career opportunities and achievements by our people, or retweet information from other Twitter accounts that we think relates to our audience. The account is managed by our Communications Branch.

Contact if you have feedback, concerns or ideas.


Our Twitter account @pmc_gov_au is moderated during business hours.

Members of the media are encouraged to contact the PM&C media team.

Moderation guidelines

The Australian Government has strict guidelines on discrimination and intimidation. We will not respond to or accept content which is irrelevant, discriminatory, hateful or threatening, and actions which may offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate.

When contributing your views, we encourage you to:

  • protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information about yourself or others in your comments, (such as names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers)
  • post material that is relevant to the topics and issues being discussed, particularly if you are seeking a response from the Department
  • represent your own views and do not impersonate or falsely represent any other person

We will never respond to, but may report, posts or tweets that: 

  • abuse, harass or threaten others
  • racially or religiously vilify others
  • incite, induce or aid violence, discriminate, harass, victimise or provoke hatred towards others, or are likely to offend, insult or humiliate others, particularly on the basis of their race, colour, descent, national origin, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any disability
  • make defamatory or libellous comments
  • use insulting, provocative or hateful language
  • use obscene or offensive language
  • use material that infringes the intellectual property rights of others
  • are multiple versions of the same view to the forum
  • promote commercial interests
  • promote personal and professional interests
  • are overtly party political comment (e.g. reference to candidates, fundraisers, support for political parties) and
  • incite, encourage or make reference to conduct that may constitute a criminal or civil offence or otherwise violate Australian law.

We encourage you to have open and honest discussions whilst being respectful of your fellow users.


This website is presented by the Commonwealth for the purpose of disseminating information free of charge for the benefit of the public.

The Commonwealth monitors the quality of the information available on this website and updates the information regularly. However, the Commonwealth does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this website or on any linked site.

The Commonwealth recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use of this website and that users carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material on the website for their purposes.

This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice and users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

The material on this website may include the views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commonwealth, or indicate its commitment to a particular course of action.

Links to external websites

This website may contain links to other websites that are external to the site. This site takes reasonable care in linking websites but has no direct control over the content of the linked sites, or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.

Links to external websites do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any material on those sites or of any third party products or services offered by, from or through those sites. Users of links provided by this website are responsible for being aware of which organisation is hosting the website they visit.

Security of the site

This site applies a range of security controls to protect its website from unauthorised access. However, users should be aware that the World Wide Web is an insecure public network that gives rise to a potential risk that a user's transactions are being viewed, intercepted or modified by third parties or that files which the user downloads may contain computer viruses, disabling codes, worms or other devices or defects.

The Commonwealth accepts no liability for any interference with or damage to a user's computer system, software or data occurring in connection with or relating to this website or its use. Users are encouraged to take appropriate and adequate precautions to ensure that whatever is selected from this site is free of viruses or other contamination that may interfere with or damage the user's computer system, software or data.

Contact us for further information.


The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet encourages the dissemination and exchange of information provided on this website.

The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material produced by this department.

All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, with the exception of:

  • the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
  • this department's logo
  • content supplied by third parties.

The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 4.0 license.

CC-By logo  


Material obtained from this website is to be attributed to this department as:
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016.

Third party copyright

Wherever a third party holds copyright in material presented on this website, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material.

This department has made all reasonable efforts to:

  • clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party
  • ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented on this website.

Using the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Terms of use for the Coat of Arms are available on this website.