Office for Women

The Office for Women works across government to deliver policies and programmes to advance gender equality and improve the lives of Australian women.

Our current priorities are:

  • strengthening women’s economic security including women’s workforce participation.

  • Supporting more women into leadership positions.

  • ensuring that women and their children are safe from violence.

Current Initiatives

The Office for Women provides strategic policy advice and support to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Women.

We work with agencies across Government to progress policies and programmes to advance gender equality across Australia and ensure women feel safe and live without fear of violence.

The Office for Women also works across Government to progress Australia’s policies on international matters relating to gender equality and women.

Latest News



We manage administered funds through the Women’s Leadership and Development Strategy and Grants (WLDS). This includes specific projects which support implementation of the strategic priorities of the Minister for Women.

The WLDS provides grants to organisations that can deliver activities at a national level that focus on the strategic priorities committed to improving gender equality.

Contact Us

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: 02 6271 5111