Google Maps Just Got An Awesome New Update You'll Want To Use

Travelers are going to love this one.

14/02/2017 11:18 AM AEDT | Updated 14/02/2017 11:18 AM AEDT
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It’s always great when Google Maps adds a feature to make travel easier. And their latest will transform your trip to-do list from a 15-page handwritten mess to a clean, organized map in your pocket. 

Google’s new Lists feature lets you save spots you’d like to visit into clear-cut maps that you can build over time and use when you travel, whether on a restaurant crawl in your hometown or a weekend abroad:


Using Lists is easy, as the Google video above explains. Just search for a spot in the Maps app ― a restaurant, bar, landmark, you name it ― and click “save” to add it to one of your lists. You can also share your lists with friends.

Sure, there are other travel sites and apps out there that provide similar services already. But this is a big win for the vast number of travelers who are already using Google Maps to get around when they travel.

The Lists feature is rolling out over the course of this week, a Google spokeswoman told The Huffington Post. If it hasn’t shown up on your Maps app yet, check back in a day or two.

 App-y travels!

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