
Cash-poor Aussies letting shonky operators take advantage

Don't get caught by the loan sharks – there are better credit alternatives.

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Almost 5 million Aussies live pay cheque to pay cheque. In other words, there is nothing left – or less – at the end of the week, fortnight or month.

Gen X-ers are in the worst financial predicament, according to the exclusive research by, with 32 per cent having no money in the bank versus 24 per cent for Gen Ys and 23 per cent for Baby Boomers. That's a mortgage and munchkins for you ...

And it's women who are struggling the most – while one in four men have no savings, it's one in three women.

The shocking findings mean for roughly one in three Aussies, an event such as a busted fridge/washing machine/car will see them reach for an 18-per-cent-average credit card. Or worse still, contact one of those shonky short-term or payday lenders that have constantly spruiked their services since Christmas.

You can more accurately call these outfits loan sharks, no matter how shiny and respectable their advertising makes them look. They typically charge an annualised interest rate, if you took the loan over three months, of 128 per cent. Over a full year it's still 68 per cent, though – and this is actually an improvement: in 2013 the federal government imposed an establishment fee cap of 20 per cent of the amount of credit and a monthly fee of 4 per cent (the penalty for default was also restricted to twice the original loan).

Even so, growth in payday lending has been both phenomenal and frightening. In 2005 just over 350,000 households had used such a lender in the previous three years; by 2015, the number had leapt to more than 650,000, says research by Digital Finance Analytics and Monash University. Seventeen per cent of borrowers accessed more than one payday loan in 2005, while 38 per cent did so in 2015.


And to hark back to the female plight earlier, while the industry has grown 80 per cent in the past 10 years, the number of loans to women has increased 110 per cent. The amount women are borrowing is also $165 bigger (at $592), but has fallen that much across the board (to $611).

So a big shout out to Google for banning many of this – ironically – cashed-up mob from AdWords advertising last July.

Credit in disguise

However, there's a more sensible-sounding finance alternative that could be a bigger mistake still: signing up for "rent to buy".

This is credit in disguise – it's structured as a lease so it avoids many aspects of credit law and much of the scrutiny levelled at payday lenders. Schemes operate virtually as a law unto themselves, sometimes charging as much as six times in rent over several years what a product would cost to buy. You may not even own it at the end of the contract.

A 2015 ASIC report found: "Over the term of the lease, the consumer will pay significantly more than the retail price of the goods and be charged more than a lender is permitted to charge under a small amount credit contract (SACC – also known as a payday loan)."

The effective interest rate on the former can be as high as 884 per cent and there's evidence both sectors target the financially vulnerable. So it's welcome the government wants to implement many of the crackdown measures recommended in last year's SACC review.

But what do you do if your laptop karks it and you have no spare money? There is a near-magic solution thanks to some amazing people at charity Good Shepherd Microfinance.

Last year 22,400 people were helped out by what's called the No Interest Loan Scheme, to the tune of more than $20 million.

For those who are seriously financially strapped – defined here as earning less than $45,000 after tax and holding a Health Care Card/pension card – NILS will pay an essential invoice of up to $1200 (including for medical procedures but excluding rental bonds, debt repayment or bills). Your repayments are then set at an affordable amount over between 12 and 18 months.

You can get such a loan from 630 community organisations around the country. . Seven out of 10 NILS recipients are women.

If $1200 won't cut it, there is also a StepUP loan – designed for people who have difficulty accessing credit from a bank and offered by Good Shepherd in partnership with NAB – that charges a low interest rate of 5.99 per cent (and no fees). You must have a Health Care Card/pension card or receive Family Tax Benefit to qualify.

StepUp loans are used most often to buy a second-hand car, the repayment term is three years and they're delivered through 30 community organisations.

Don't be duped into the alternatives. And for goodness sake, start saving an equivalent of three to (preferably) six months' worth of salary – for when those emergencies happen.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is a commentator and educator who presents Smart Money Start, fun financial literacy, in high schools around Australia.