Federal Politics

Julie Bishop urged to commit funds to counter Donald Trump's 'global gag rule' abortion order

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Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop is being urged to help plug the gap in aid funding caused by Donald Trump's reinstatement of the "global gag rule", which prohibits US dollars from going to non-government organisations that provide abortion services or give advice or referrals on abortions. 

Prominent Labor Senator Lisa Singh made the plea on Tuesday night, calling President Trump's move an "attack on women everywhere." It came as billionaire philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates warned that the US aid cuts could "create a void that even a foundation like ours can't fill."

In his first days of office, President Trump followed in the footsteps of past Republican presidents by reinstating the global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy, which was first introduced by Ronald Reagan.  Mr Trump signed the order surrounded by his team of male advisers, adding to the backlash over the policy.

In a new interview with The Guardian, Mr and Mrs Gates said Mr Trump's order went further those in the past by denying funding to any health organisation that receives US aid funding and not just those directly involved in family planning.

"The US is the No 1 donor in the work that we do. Government aid can't be replaced by philanthropy," Bill Gates said.

"When government leaves an area like that, it can't be offset, there isn't a real alternative.


"This expansion of this policy, depending on how it's implemented, could create a void that even a foundation like ours can't fill," Mr Gates told Sarah Boseley, adding that it could impact programs that provide lifesaving treatment for HIV and malaria.

Bill and Melinda Gates are looking for 'moon shots' in clean energy and medical research.

Bill and Melinda Gates. Photo: AP

Melinda Gates added that Mr Trump's expanded order would affect millions of girls and women around the world.

A host of countries, including: Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Canada and Cape Verde have all pledged funds to help raise millions of dollars to counter President Trump's ban.

Late on Tuesday, Senator Singh, who has recently returned from a secondment at the United Nations in New York, called on Australia's foreign minister to act on the nation's behalf.

"The global gag rule is an attack on women everywhere. It demeans women, which is why I stand in solidarity with the communities affected by the global gag rule," she told the Senate.

"Tonight I call on the Turnbull government to follow the lead of the Dutch and Belgian governments and also pledge funds to help plug this $600 million per year funding gap left behind by the US global gag rule.

"I understand there is a pledging conference scheduled for around the beginning of March, and I have written to Minister Julie Bishop to call on our government to lend our support to women and girls around the world affected by this global gag rule."

The Hon Julie Bishop MP - Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party speaking at the Annual Global Macro Conference held at the Sofitel hotel, sydney 2nd February 2017 Photo by Louise Kennerley

Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop. Photo by Louise Kennerley

As Australia's first female foreign minister, Ms Bishop continued the role created by former Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard of an Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls. 

In November, the government appointed the retired Liberal MP Sharman Stone to the position, replacing the former Democrats Leader Natasha Stott-Despoja. 

"The promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are strong drivers of economic growth, development and stability and remain priorities for the Australian Government," Ms Bishop said at the time of Dr Stone's appointment.

The global women's health organisation EngenderHealth says the number of unwanted pregnancies rises when the US implements the global gag rule, according to its studies.

CEO Ulla Müller said this would lead to a greater number of unsafe abortions and maternal deaths, as well as exacerbating gender inequality around the world. She said organisations using their own funds to pay for "information, referrals, or comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services" would be denied funding to help address other issues, including domestic violence and HIV testing.

"As a consequence, families will be destroyed, as communities and countries will plunge further into poverty and will be stripped of their basic right - to lead a life of dignity," Ms Müller said in a statement.

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