
Startup War Stories: Vinomofo founders sold the company and then bought it back

No entrepreneur dreams of selling most of their company and going into debt to buy it back within the first few years, but the pair behind online wine selling startup Vinomofo felt they had no choice.

The deluxe wine site may be scooping up business accolades now, with more than 1000 per cent revenue growth over three years, but their early years were as high-risk and turbulent as any startup.

After building the site up in the face of resistance from the wine industry and receiving their payday with a big investment from group buying Catch Group, the founders ended up hocking it all over again to take control back from its new masters.

Early days

Andre Eikmeier and brother-in-law Justin Dry launched their first attempt at an online wine business in the late-2000s. They were passionate about wine, keen to disrupt the ultra-competitive wine retail space and well-placed in South Australia to develop relationships with leading and boutique vineyards.

But they struggled to find a model that made money. After more than a year, with cash, confidence and their wives' good will reaching critically low levels, the story came close to ending.

"It redefined what people mean by an 'all in play'. You can't build a fast-growing business without getting close to the edge, but sometimes the terror makes you wonder if it's worth it," Eikmeier says.


Then in 2011, they struck on their winning formula. Amid a surge in interest in group buying websites they launched Vinomofo, a site for buying the top 2 per cent of the wines, as judged by the team.

"We were getting desperate for a break but were a bit surprised when it worked," Dry says. "It was just a side project but it blew up with orders so we knew we had to drop everything else."

The sudden surge in customers meant the company had to dramatically increase their orders, which put them on the radar of some of Australia's biggest wine retailers. Three months of strong sales by Vinomofo caused a backlash in the industry, and had suppliers running scared.

Making enemies

"We started getting some flack from wine makers who were pulling out because of emails from suppliers of the big retailers," Mr Eikmeier said.

"It's a weird feeling to realise finally it's working but it could come crashing down. We needed to become a sales channel of real, dependable value for the wine makers or we wouldn't be able to get our hands on the best stuff."

They began to look for an investor that could also offer access to a large network of potential customers, eventually opting for an equity investment from e-commerce success story Catch Group.

It was 2011 and still at the peak of the group buying bubble that saw Sydney-based Spreets sold for $40 million to Yahoo7. The Catch Group had 1.5 million customers across its network of sites, and was run by brothers Hezi and Gabby Leibovich, who had a similar dynamic and "scrappy, underdog" attitude to Eikmeier and Dry.

In mid-2012, the pair signed over most of their company and moved to Melbourne, into the Catch Group's building.

"Taking on a majority shareholder was scary, but we were absolutely terrified we were about to be crushed by the big two companies that run the big wine retailers. We had to do something drastic, and Catch was a great fit," Eikmeier recalls.

The Catch Group was an eye-opener for the pair, who were essentially running their first business. Their new partner employed more than 500 people to run businesses including Catch of the Day, Mumgo, Scoopon, EatNow and Grocery Run.

With a reassuring backer for suppliers, the burgeoning Vinomofo team extended their range and set up the internal systems and software to take them from a small operation to a major player.

Failing to soar

But while sales were growing steadily, they weren't soaring as they hoped.

"Catch had what we needed and it should have worked. If we could get even a fraction of their clients: boom. We'd be made," Dry says. "But while their customers were happy to spend $500 on sunglasses, there wasn't enough interest in really good wine."

The Vinomofo founders also found the transition from company owners to employees of Catch Group sapped their entrepreneurial willingness to take risks and push themselves to the edge to get results.

"There was no pressure to lose that drive from Catch Group but we realised we were planning our strategies for Tuesday morning sales meeting. Or the team would be discussing an idea and I'd be thinking not about if our customers would love it, but how the board would react," Eikmeier says.

Thirteen months into the partnership, they began discussing options to exit with the Catch Group. Dry describes the split as mutual with neither team desperate to drop the other but both recognising their customer bases weren't as compatible as they had hoped.

A gracious split

"We wanted to buy the company back and they were gracious enough to let us do that," he says.

To enable the split, Vinomofo raised millions in capital to fund buying back the company's equity. The deal closed on June 30, 2013 and returned Eikmeier and Dry as the majority shareholders.

Up late that night with a balance sheet of zero and abuzz with a nervousness that couldn't be calmed even by the excellent red they were drinking, the pair waited for their first sale as a newly relaunched startup to roll in.

"It arrived at 12:04, about $200. We were elated. It was like when we realised Vinomofo was going to work the first time," Dry says. "Then we realised we still had thousands to go before we could pay everyone that fortnight."

They made wages but had a tight three months, saved by sales that surged faster than ever. The company grew 30 per cent that quarter and made more than $20 million that financial year.

"I think our customers liked that we were a startup again. We definitely did and do. There's no agenda other than our own and it feels really pure," Eikmeier says.

The pressure from larger retailers on suppliers has not evaporated, but the pair says it's less of an issue now their growth (more than 1270 per cent in the last three years) means they can reliably promise to empty a wine maker's workshop.

Four years and two leadership structures on, and Vinomofo is readying for international growth as its continues early stage negotiations with several US-based investment groups.

This is part of an ongoing series of Startup War Stories. If your startup survived a near-death experience, we'd love to hear from you: rose.powell at

This article Startup War Stories: Vinomofo founders sold the company and then bought it back was originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald.