
The awkward conversation you need to have with your Valentine

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When you're in the first bloom of romance you don't want to be thinking about something as unsexy as money. Sure, you might think about whether you should split the bill or how much money to spend on your partner on Valentine's Day. But when it comes to finances and relationships, that's about where it ends for most of us.

This is a shame. Valentine's Day is a great reminder that moving your relationship to the next level means you really need to have the talk. I'm not talking about the number of sexual partners, whether you want to have kids or where you want to live. I'm talking about having a chat about finances.

Too many couples avoid the financial side of their relationship because it feels awkward. They don't ask curious questions, they don't find out their partners' money values, they don't find out whether they're financially compatible, or whether their partner has a lot of debt or a bunch of outstanding tax returns. It means money can become an issue, simply because both parties are unwilling to deal with it.

Research proves again and again that finances are the most common source of fighting among couples – provoking three arguments a month on average. The fact your partner insists on always buying rounds at the pub, brings gifts and always buys dinner might seem incredibly generous early on. But when you've moved in together or are saving for something significant it can become a source of tension because you feel they're squandering money.

Or the fact you have four credit cards and are thousands of dollars in debt might feel like a shameful thing and you don't want it to affect your partners' opinion of you so you're motivated to avoid conversations about money.  Then your partner feels blindsided when they start talking about buying a house and suddenly realises you can't contribute.

So how do you start to make money a healthy part of your developing relationship? How do you avoid the ick factor and include finances as one of the many subjects you're willing and able to talk about as a couple?


You just start. I think many topics are potentially awkward if we're not used to talking about them. Or doing them. By suggesting to your partner that you understand money is the number one thing couples fight about and you want to ensure it's not something that becomes an issue in your relationship then you are introducing the topic as a positive thing.

Perhaps you can start by talking about your money values, how you feel about money and even take the brave step of offering a little financial transparency of your own such as what you have and what you owe, what's easy for you when it comes to money and what's hard. Or perhaps you might talk about how money was modelled to you growing up and what you struggle with when it comes to finances and start a conversation about how that has affected your relationship with money as an adult.

Will it be awkward? Probably. Will it be worth it? That depends if the relationship is worthwhile.

Melissa Browne is CEO of accounting firm A&TA; and author of Fabulous but Broke.