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'Not up to court': People smuggler Said Mir Bahrami appeals conviction over 'bullied' juror

  • Stephanie Gardiner

On the 23rd day of a trial, Judge Colin Charteris got a note from a juror: "Am unwell/stressed - not up to court this afternoon. Am being mistreated by another juror (bullying)."

The next day, the defence barrister for Said Mir Bahrami, charged with people smuggling, applied to have the jury discharged.

Appeal judges rejected the appeal by people smuggler Said Mir Bahrami. 

Judge Charteris said he had to take a cautious approach, and remarked that "one person's idea of bullying is another person's idea of a frank and robust exchange".

The juror who wrote the note did not return to court and was discharged, while the judge had the remaining jurors fill out a form asking whether they felt they could continue freely.

Some of the responses from jurors included, "Absolutely", "Without a doubt", and "The team has been polite & respectful".

The defence barrister agreed with the approach, and did not again apply for the jury to be discharged. 

Bahrami was found guilty of five out of six charges, and sentenced to at least 7 years and 3 months' jail in 2014.

He appealed his conviction, arguing there was a miscarriage of justice because Judge Charteris did not question the juror, nor investigate the circumstances surrounding the note.

The appeal made reference to other trials involving claims of bullying or interference with jurors, including a case where a juror wrote: "I have been physically coerced by a fellow juror to change my plea".

In another case, a juror noticed a relative of an accused person recording the registration number of their car.

Bahrami argued there was reason to suspect a juror had "exercised unlawful intimidation" over the juror in his trial, and the judge should have brought her into court to give evidence.

"You can't ignore an allegation of bullying," Bahrami's barrister Tim Game, SC, told the Court of Criminal Appeal.

But a judgment, written by Justice Robert Allan Hulme, and agreed to by Justice Clifton Hoeben​and Justice Monika Schmidt, said it was open for the trial judge to speak to the jury as a whole.

The appeal panel said Judge Charteris's reluctance to inquire into what was happening in the jury room was understandable.

"A great responsibility falls upon a trial judge to tread what is sometimes quite a delicate path to their resolution. The judge in this case was very experienced in criminal trials, both as a judge and in his previous life at the bar.

"While this court is always alive to the need to detect and deal with miscarriages of justice it is also necessary to respect the sometimes very difficult judgment calls made in the atmosphere of a trial in which there is usually little if any time for calm and leisurely reflection."

The appeal was dismissed on Monday.