Big data transforming fleet industry

Rising oil prices could place additional strain on fleet budgets.
Rising oil prices could place additional strain on fleet budgets. Canberra Times
by Marc Sibbald

It is only recently that fleet managers have started to harness the power of big data and benefit from better decision making, such as with fuel costs.

The slow adoption has been due to factors such as the level of training among fleet managers and supplier legacy systems. As industry associations the Australasian Fleet Management Association (AfMA) and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) promote greater education and professionalism, suppliers are finally catching up with system upgrades and data warehouses.

Fuel is one area where thousands of dollars could be saved by using the information available in the marketplace to make better purchasing decisions. Historically fuel pricing operated in predictable cycles and fleet managers could let staff know the cheapest days to fill.

Todd Ewing, director product marketing at Fleetmatics, predicts that fuel prices will continue to rise following OPEC's agreement to cut production this year: "2017 fleet budgets will take a beating and businesses will require a solution to reduce fuel wastage.

"The key to overcoming fuel budget blowouts could be vehicle tracking, which provides greater fleet visibility through data in order to drive profit maximisation and lower costs. By taking ownership of all the data that's possible to pull out of a business and analysing it, business owners can solve any fuel leakage and make both short- and long-term decisions.

"If the data from in-vehicle telematics systems reading the fuel gauge and vehicle location is combined with data tracking pump prices, 'buy now' messages could be sent to the vehicle or included in route scheduling."

Significant savings

Guy Steel, chief financial officer at WEX Australia, sees this as something that will deliver significant savings to all road users.

"The availability of fuel data in the Australian market to consumers is increasing and we believe this will flow into more innovative use of the data," he says.

"An example of this is relatively real-time fuel information via mobile applications. From a WEX perspective supplier price positioning in the market has been clear and consistent over the last six to 12 months and whilst we have the most complete view in terms of how prices are being set and managed, we expect this to become more transparent to the general market over time."

"Flowing from this we expect fleets, like any consumer, to look at the total cost of fuel spend, including who they purchase from.

"Discounting is a key part of fleet sourcing strategies. However, with greater transparency of base pricing currently held perceptions will no doubt change. With greater access to information comes the ability to act on it and fleets will require an ability to provide their customers with not only information but also a product capable of allowing relatively dynamic changes to purchasing decisions."

Improving driver safety through telematics is the obvious area, and the starting point for most fleet managers, where data can be used. An aspect of telematics is the gathering and analysis of information, which can lead to more efficient vehicle usage.

Sustainable approach

Jerome Carslake, manager at National Road Safety Partnership Program, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) Group, thinks that as businesses start to recognise workplace road safety not only as a cost but as part of a sustainable approach to productivity improvements, they will turn to data to help manage their risk.

"Data is crucial. However, technology which generates it is often sought as a silver bullet to manage a fleet and manage risk. However, implementation is key, " says Carslake.

"Before chasing technology, the problem must be first identified and a plan for implementation clearly developed which brings workers along. A crucial component is the systems and process must first be in place and active before any technology solution is introduced. Telematics will confirm drivers are speeding but if the organisation doesn't deal with speeding fines now, what happens when GPS data provides a plethora of exception reports?"

The increased adoption of data analysis has highlighted several areas where fleet managers traditionally did not look for expenditure such as grey fleets and car allowances.

Matthew Prestney, executive director at TR Fleet, has worked with customers which have used data to reduce costs – but only after being shocked at the amount of expenses that were not captured as part of the fleet budget.

"Organisations that are now capturing data from their entire driver community, including grey fleet and volunteer drivers, are benefiting from the ability to now see the true costs and risks associated with running their fleet, " says Prestney.

"By optimising a more comprehensive data-set, these fleet managers are in a much stronger position to argue their case for resources, change or new systems to better manage and reduce both cost and risk."

"For example, the ability of one of our customers to regularly oversee the correlation between demerit points and at fault claims has allowed them to implement an ongoing programme of driver training in both the Australian and New Zealand sections of their fleet. Another of our customers is using grey fleet vehicle and cents-per-kilometre claims data to implement cost-controls around fuel spend and cash claims in their fleet."