
A protester against President Trump’s immigration policy and a Trump supporter in New York City. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

Refugees: Is there room for a middle ground?

Data since 1950s show Americans have always been wary of refugees. A public opinion expert explains current attitudes toward Syrian refugees and what it means for building consensus on policy.


Analysis and Comment

Digital information should be private and secure. Digital communications via

Should cybersecurity be a human right?

Recent developments at the United Nations and the G-20 suggest that the well-known human rights to privacy and freedom of expression may soon be formally extended to online communications.

More Analysis and Comment

Immigration ban


Fighting cancer

The author, center, and Dr. Anna Conti, left, and student Kelsey Parrish with Conti’s Basset hound, Picasso, who had surgery for cancer. Via Colorado State University. William Cotton/CSU Photography

How man’s best friend is helping cancer treatment

Dogs are great companions, and they also are proving to be great research subjects for cancer. Here's how our canine friends are pointing to possible treatments in human cancer.



Are you responsible about the things you share? Shutterstock

You are the new gatekeeper of the news

Before you share another article on Facebook, consider your responsibility to make sure what you post is true.


US-Mexico relations

A protestor burns a figure representing Trump outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City. AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

US relationship with Mexico more bitter than sweet under Trump

Since World War II, the US and Mexico have successfully worked together on issues like trade and migration. If Trump refuses to treat Mexico as a partner, how bitter will the breakup be?


Black History Month

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  1. Does an anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field portend a coming pole reversal?
  2. Why you should date your best friend
  3. Why Tinder is so ‘evilly satisfying’
  4. What can a 1.7-million-year-old hominid fossil teach us about cancer?
  5. Scientist at work: Tracking muskoxen in a warming Arctic

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