My workout: ‘Fencing is a cat-and-mouse game’

Elaine Gale, 47, on the stamina and focus needed for her sport

Elaine Gale
Elaine Gale: ‘Fencing is a mental game as much as a physical one.’ Photograph: Fabio de Paola for the Guardian

My daughter started fencing when she was six. As soon as she did I was itching to try it, but it was tricky to find the time. I was widowed when I had her, and as a working single parent, I couldn’t really do it. I watched her for a couple of years before I thought, right, I’m going to give this a go. I found a local club, my parents kindly offered to babysit, and I fell in love with it.

There are three weapons to choose from: foil, épée and sabre. They look different, and each one has its own rules and tactics. Like my daughter, I opted for foil, in my opinion the most graceful. The stainless steel blade is fine and thin, and the target area – where you have to hit your opponent to score points and ultimately win – is the smallest. In épée you can hit anywhere on the body; in foil, just the torso.

It’s a cat-and-mouse game: advance, retreat, advance, retreat. It really tests your stamina. I struggled at first. I was a working mum who was sat behind a desk and didn’t do any sport, but over time I’ve got a lot fitter. It’s a mental game as much as a physical one. You have to keep your wits about you – if you lose focus, you’ve had it. The winner typically is the first to score 15 points. By the end you’re knackered.

You do get bruises. Generally I’m fencing against guys, as there are not that many girls who fence, and I find that they don’t want to hurt you. Sometimes I have to say, “Look, I don’t mind if you do,” otherwise you don’t get a proper match. I like to fight. Fencing has allowed me to channel all my hurt and aggression in a really positive way. It’s a release.

My daughter’s 13 now and fencing for England. She was proud when I started, but now she just finds it funny because she can beat me. The bonding we’ve had through fencing has been really important for us, to get us through some rough times. It’s a shared passion, and to have that with my daughter is lovely.

My weekend workout

How often do you fence? Once a week.
Favourite drink or snack? I drink a lot of water.
Proudest achievement? When I joined Chelmsford fencing club I had three bouts against guys and won.

Five ways to get started: fencing

1 Fencing requires a fair bit of kit, including trousers, a jacket, mask, glove and a plastic chest plate for women. Most clubs catering for beginners will be able to lend you everything you need, so turn up wearing jogging bottoms, a T-shirt and trainers.

2 At the start of a fight you must adopt an en garde stance. Join your heels together. If you’re right-handed, point your right foot forwards and your left sideways at a 90-degree angle. Step your right foot forward, bend at the knees and raise your weapon.

3 When the adrenaline flows, it’s tempting to grip your weapon tightly. Don’t. Wrap your hand around the handle and hold it gently, as if cradling a little bird.

4 People often think of fencing as a posh sport. But these days there are clubs all over the country catering for children and adults from all backgrounds.

5 Don’t discount fencing because of your age. British Fencing’s Go/Fence scheme (where you can try foam, plastic and steel weapons) is a great starting point, or search for a beginner’s course at a club near you.

Essential kit

Fencing kit
Clockwise from top left: Leon Paul club mask, £67, Uhlmann Women’s classic jacket, £93, Electric Foil, £45,