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    The price of courgettes over here has suddenly trebled, and I don't think it has anything to do with the low pound!!

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    Oh yes I did.........................I'm getting used to your little wheezes! I tried it myself today...............Caught "Tenth" out :o))

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    If you have a look at this , Rapscally if you can see it, it might do the trick.

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    Muchas gracias, chica. Sabes cuantos tipos de persona hay en este mundo? Y la gente que pausa para dar algo es normalmente gente que se parecen más en necesidad sus-mismos. Los caballeros con sus zapatos brillantes y maletines de cuero pasan con sus narices en el aire. No pausan. No reflectan que cual día va a ser alguien que se aman... Sorry, I can rant in another language. It's so sad.

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    There are cats, JeffA, but the feeders are well out of reach. One is in my upstairs front window, and there is no passing traffic.

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    Don't worry, Autumnal - I'm beginning to miss my mind :o(

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    I did notice, Raps, but wasn't sure if you followed the link €:o)

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    oh my goodness, I went to primary school in Stanmore too, a very long time ago. Aylward.

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    Hadn't seen that particular Two Ronnie sketch before. Brilliant.

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    Eres buena gente, Solly :) Good luck for tomorrow and I hope you raise thousands and make some people very happy . . . . besitos xxx

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    I'm very lucky to have travelled from a young age. My mum came over here nearly 40 years ago at a time when air travel was only just beginning to become accessible to the upper middle classes. She was told not to expect to see her family again for a good twenty years - because that had been other people's experience. She pined for her family. Now she goes every year. And misses us like crazy while she's gone. Catch-22.

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    Sorry - you've lost me now. I was using a/the as reference to a word in a crossword or the word in the crossword being discussed.

    I will try to explain what I meant: a word that was an answer in the day's grid was used in a comment without referring to the actual clue to which it was the answer. I would have thought it could be still 'classified' as a spoiler in the strictest sense of 'spoiling'. I made a comment, but I have no 'angle' in this matter- it was just an interesting idea re the whole definition of what a spoiler is on these pages. That's all.

    Over and out, ID6445514.

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    Someone needs to tell that big ball of gas in the sky that flowers don't do too well without sunlight for their chlorophyll. I'm freeeezing!

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    Hole in the Wall in Hackins Hey comes to mind SeaSal not to mention the Oyster Bar in Tempest Hey....................Think they have both been flattened now. Such a pity.

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    "I go for my pre-op anaesthesia consult next week, no date for the op yet. My Mum had it too,"
    I am so sorry to hear your news SeaSal..................As I said a while ago, I am not Insensitive to your predicament...................Please ask SScottie for my address, at least I will be there for you to "let rip" at, as I know you wouldn't wish to burden the Mufflon, especially as he has his hands full. :o)

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    Essex? What's in Essex?

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    Sorry, having worked when I did the preview.................Doesn't now. Sods law!

    If you go to this page, the email address is on it. :o)

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    You will find SScot here Hope that helps :o)

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    I forgot to thank you for posting that performance. Splendid voices, perfect tuning, but just a bit mannered for my taste, and attempts to reproduce period pronunciation of English never quite come off, to my ear at any rate. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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    unfortunately not for me :)

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    Well thank you Frank - I'll take that as a compliment. I'm not (quite) all poetry, politics and home-made soup though can do a good impression!

    By the way, next door's rabbit is one huge thumper. Greenery galore needed for that beast.

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    Glad to hear of the success.....................Long may it continue. :o)

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    I have had to rebuild it SeaSal Some silly sod had ripped the rooves off! So I have made it look as it would have but with modifications. I have my Peacocks in one, my "greenhouse in the centre area and it was to be the "Turkey house" in the other area................ So yes, there are doors. :o)

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    Don't see why. 'Fruit' can be singular or plural in meaning.

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    Well, no. Just as often as not I have to resort to the check button. There are some clear days too, but bragging seems obnoxious, and I try to avoid it; and if I've found a puzzle easy then so will many other people. But I can't really be doing with the EPT business.

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    I don't know if B&Q will have them Cutters, I got mine from the local garden centre....................There's one for winter and one for change them as the clocks change. they are Citrus fertilisers, surprise, surprise! You have to grow them in citrus compost too (just in case you have re-potted) In winter you MUST ensure that you water infrequently too as they hate damp roots. There's a book by Carol Klein ( RHS pub available at Aldi) that will put you right. If the leaves are pale, it is because they need some food!
    Hope that helps. :o)

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    So, to take your argument to its logical conclusion, if the clue for 1a was ever to be "Definite article (3)" , then there could be no comments.

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    That was a piece of cake. EPT.

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    Send the van Cutters.................Do what the IR do aim high and make them struggle to get it reduced! ;o)

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    Bloody hell SeaSaL,.............. I know that those words exist but for a poor dyslexic, they do take the biccy (though they do seem rather pertinent!). If the Grauniad do a crossword with a grid big enough to contain them................. Can you imagine the comment thread?
    That aside, I agree with you, Tax is an essential part of the fun, smugness, is in my mind, just another form of arrogance.............Sorry but I have no time for arrogance. The "delight" of this forum is the fun, the kindness, the concern and most importantly to me, the wit that appears here......................
    I've possibly said too much........................ Thanks to all of you, for keeping an old bird amused! :o)

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    In 1950's my Mum ate some 1a's during a visit to Southend-on-Sea with catastrophic food poisoning. I remember the doctor calling and the hush in the house and, I was a small child, the funny way my Dad seemed to be different. A few days later she was up from bed and things were almost back to normal.

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    Used to be a half pint in the pubs of my youth, searogue!

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    Thanks for your good wishes. Actually my ancestry is part west country via Corfu on one side and Scots on the other. No doubt if I took a DNA test it might show my origins to be Viking but I have only managed to go back to 1675.

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    I've had a quick stroll through the splother. I see concern has already been expressed over the possible effects of the 'Frenchies'. And all I can say about 13D is 'Bless you!

    Clear round today, tho' the disadvantaged at 22A held out on me for a while. EPT is the few snowdrops that struggle up in front of our fence, less every year.

    Now it is time to tidy up and hit my pit, night night* all.
    * Other time zones are available.

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    Your position and attitudes seem pretty much to mirror my own. But not only am I married to one, I have now become one! Managed to get my dual-citizenship to ensure ease of international movement when/should push come to shove. Ryanair, EasyJet and German Wings have certainly provided a well appreciated life-line to friends and remaining family over the last 10 years or so, but for the decade before that, journeys back to Blighty were a much-too-expensive heavily-rationed pleasure.

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    Thanks a lot. Re Scottie, where do I find her email address? Is it something like Scottie
    Re batteries duh, I should have said Chlorophyll.

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    Many thanks for all the good wishes and support. The feedback has been very positive and I can't wait to do it all again next week :-)

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    But it's all just for fun, ID04..... Some of the fun, to me at least, is finding the 'right' thing for EPT. so much so that I sometimes pay when I haven't managed a clear, check and cheat free round, just because the clip/picture/link is too good to leave 'til the next time 'floccinaucinihilipilification' turns up in the grid. (Yes. I know, but I'm not a dedicated Triskaidekaphile).

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    It's a conundrum, for sure, but one which I've learned to handle over many, many years. Helps being married to one of them!!! The whole family is here so I've really just moved the chess pieces around. Give thanks to Ryannair, Sleazyjet et al, who make popping home a much easier, cheaper task :))

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    How much EPT do you owe? Is it worth the van coming round to collect it all tomorrow? */:o)

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    You've got doors in your vinery, Rapscally?

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    I do get homesick, I miss Wales a lot, and London. I know I'm screwed because if I went back to live there I'd be homesick for France. There's no cure for it...

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    That's me, Andrew. Sheer delight. And one of these days I will pay my tax - but just for fun.

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    Your comment smacks of either overweening pride or sour grapes. It may not be boasting but sheer delight at having succeeded . ;-)

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    What are the summer and winter feeds for it, and could I get them at B&Q perhaps? I have only ever watered it. If I knew what they need, I'd get some straightaway. Some of its leaves also look paler than they should be, with a few white patches. I usually pull leaves off if they don't look right.

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    Sure, there's a wealth of difference between home-sickness and nostalgia. When I went to Paris to study at 18, I was so homesick for the first three or four months, I could barely think straight but eventually, as I made friends and realised that I could actually communicate with people in another language, everything started to look up.
    Now, after so many years away from England, I love going back, but there's no yearning or sadness, sometimes a little nostalgia, yes, but more just remembering another era, so I guess we're both roughly on the same page :)

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  • 4 5

    Snap, Andrew! I go for my pre-op anaesthesia consult next week, no date for the op yet. My Mum had it too, but like your Dad, no great impediment. I can't grip things properly in my left hand and putting gloves on is a strain. I look like I'm making a rude gesture with my middle finger. But the killjoys at the 'ozzy didn't mention Viking ancestry (my maternal grandfather was a Yorkshireman so it is possible), al they said was diabetes (not yet) and excess alcohol consumption (I leave that to your imagination).

    Good luck with the procedure, let us know how you get on.

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    Sorry FF, I don't understand your comment. I don't always get very subtle comments I have to admit. Never mind... ;)

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    Sometimes there are good memories that just make your mouth water. I haven't been back to Nigeria since we left in '91. But the minute you mention "pepè soup" (a thin, chilli pepper broth, heavy on the black pepper) or "suya" (roadside BBQ beef bites with a coating of onion and peanut powder) my mouth waters. I might not be homesick per se but man, I miss the food. And the weather. And the beach. But I'm not in love as the 10CC song went.

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    Are you saying that if a/the clue isn't mentioned, the answer/word used in the splother can't be classified as a spoiler? That's a bit iffy imho.

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