
Consumer Affairs

Just press escape? It's not as easy as that.

Want to disappear from the internet? Here's how you can try

For those of us who spend a lot of time on the internet, there will be the occasional urge to simply disappear - delete your accounts, roll back your Google results and become invisible. Is it possible to completely disappear?

A spokesman for Consolidated Press Holdings, Packer's investment vehicle, said: "Mr Packer has no association or ...

James Packer sues over online ad

James Packer's lawyers are taking steps to halt the distribution of a dodgy online ad that claims he endorses a risky trading strategy.

Volkswagen's emissions-rigging scandal is far from over yet as German prosecutors pursue more senior company officials.

Germany investigates ex-Volkswagen chief in emissions-cheating scandal

​German prosecutors said for the first time Friday that they had evidence that Volkswagen's former chief executive took part in the company's emissions fraud, significantly raising the stakes for the carmaker and undercutting its attempts to put the scandal behind it.