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Questions raised about safety of suburban airports after plane crash kills five

Questions raised about safety of suburban airports after plane crash kills five

Residential and retail areas surrounding airports proved to be a dangerous mix today after a plane crash near Essendon airport killed five people.
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Safe injecting room trial recommended after surge of heroin overdoses

Safe injecting room trial recommended after surge of heroin overdoses

The Victorian coroner has recommended the implementation of a safe injecting room trial in order to curb the rising number of heroin overdoses in the state, which is at its' highest numbers since before the mid 2000s.
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Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Australia for historic visit

Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Australia for historic visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Australia today for a historic first visit by a sitting Israeli leader, arriving at a time where the talks for peace between Israel and Palestine are at a critical junction.
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India's failure to criminalize match-fixing an open invitation for organized crime, warns officials

India's failure to criminalize match-fixing an open invitation for organized crime, warns officials

Ahead of the upcoming four Test match series between Australia and India, anti-corruption officials both in Australia and the sub-continent warn that India's continued failure to criminalize match-fixing could lead to a opening of the floodgates for organized crime.
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