
Procurement Notices: Formal Bids and Contacts

  • - GS/OAS - Procurement Notices
  • - DgMarket
  • - United Nations Development Business
    (Please note that this link will take you to UN Development Business page. OAS Procurement notices may be located by typing “OAS” in the search bar.)

Procurement Reports

  • Active Performance Contracts with legal entities (“Legal CPRs”)
    (Starting 4th Quarter 2015, the legal CPRs report which used to be published jointly with the natural CPRs in the Human Resources Accountability tab is being published separately under Procurement Reports in the Procurement Accountability tab.)
  • Active Performance Contracts with legal entities (“Legal CPRs”)
    (Please note that this link will take you to the page where quarterly Performance Contract reports from January 2013 to September 2015 may be found.)
  • Travel Information and Control Measures
    (Please note that this link will take you to page where all Quarterly Reports since 2007 may be found. Within each Quarterly Report, the Travel Information and Control Measures may be located via pdf search for the title "Detailed Information on Travel Expense Control Measures" in each document.)