Daily Life

Dear Jess: letting go a little of my first-born who has just started school

Q. My first-born is about to start school and I don't know how I'll cope. He's been my constant shadow for the past 5½ years and I'm worried about how he'll deal with the classroom and the playground. I know I need to let go a little, but it's hard. 

 A. Wonderful Worried Mother, I was you five years ago. It is natural to be emotional and a little sick in the stomach at the thought of your baby beginning school and taking his first steps into the big, bold world. A much wiser woman once told me that being a mum is a series of "letting goes", beginning when our babies are born (I used to miss the butterfly flutters of Allegra in my tummy).

Give yourself the space to have a big cry after you drop off your son, but keep it together until then. See if some of the other mums want to join you for a coffee, or even a champagne at the pub, to celebrate how far you have already come. And you have come a long way, baby! Just quietly, I now love having both of my girls at school. For me, it was the beginning of finding myself again, not to mention being able to drink a hot coffee uninterrupted, and going to the toilet in peace during school hours! My wish is that you'll find some "me time", too. 

Q. I'm 60 but I look 10 years older. I'm totally okay with this as it reflects my life. But I am struggling with the comments – "darl" etc – I get regularly from total strangers, which I assume are partly because of my looks. I don't want to be rude, but I find their comments offensive. Any suggestions?

A. Sweet Sixty, I love that you're happy in your skin. If only I had an ounce of your self-possession. Unfortunately my vanity means I frequently dabble with sprinklings of Botox, but still get called "darl", "sweetie" and "lovey" by the butcher, plumber and cake shop lady.

All of these dear souls are of a certain vintage and are unaware that they could be misinterpreted as rude. The next time someone you don't know calls you "darl", why not also call them "darl" back – or my new favourite, "sugar plum pie"? Keep living your marvellous life!

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. 

Contact me via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe Twitter:@JessRowe

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