

Baby steps towards a truly modern childcare system

Patience – the ability to remain calm in the face of acute frustration – is a skill all parents of young children must learn.

Patience has also proved a valuable skill for parents who have waited half a decade for the Coalition to flesh out its much touted "Jobs for Families Child Care Package", introduced to parliament last week.

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Childcare, PPL changes announced

Find out how the government's changes to childcare rebates, paid parental leave and family tax benefits affect you. Courtesy ABC News 24.

A baby born in June 2012 – when Tony Abbott first flagged an overhaul of childcare funding – will be in school uniform by the time the package is implemented in July 2018. And that's assuming Labor passes it.

The heart of the package is to combine the two existing childcare subsidies – the means tested Child Care Benefit and the non-means-tested 50 per cent Child Care Rebate – into a new single payment, the "Child Care Subsidy".

The Child Care Rebate has been the most problematic element of the current system. Agreeing that taxpayers will foot half the bill for whatever childcare providers charged lead to a huge inflation in fees.

In the year the Rudd government increased the rebate from 30 per cent to 50 per cent, average long daycare hourly fees jumped 14 per cent. Over the past decade, childcare fees have increased by an average of 7 per cent a year, well above inflation.


Under the new system, the government will agree to pay only a fixed amount per hour of care, based on a new assessment of the "reasonable cost" of providing care. Based on a survey of actual costs, that amount has been set at $11.55 per hour of care. This should help to limit the crazy price increases.

The new subsidy will be paid at 85 per cent of the cost of care for families with household incomes under $65,710 in the first year. The rebate then drops to 50 per cent and tapers out as income rises to a lowest rate of 20 per cent for those with incomes exceeding $340,000.

Importantly, the existing annual cap on the rebate of $7500 will increase to $10,000.

For families earning less than $185,710, the cap will be abolished altogether, removing a major source of frustration for families when the rebate runs out mid-year.

Most families who use childcare will be left better off. The package is, by design, better for those who work most, and use daycare the most, and for lower income earners. Very high income earners are the biggest losers, as are some low income families who fail to meet more stringent work tests.

So, was it worth the wait?

In a nutshell: yes. Overall it's an improvement on the status quo, but no, it doesn't go far enough and leaves some vulnerable kids even more vulnerable.

First, while there is more money for families, there is less than originally touted.

When the package was first unveiled in Tony Abbott's "warm and cuddly" budget of May 2015, it came with a price tag of an extra $3.2 billion over five years, with an annual cost of about $1.5 billion when up and running.

On the latest estimates provided by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the current package will cost only about $800 million extra a year.

It's not that the package has been made less generous, but the expected uptake has been dramatically revised down.

In last year's mid-year budget review, the government revealed it had re-done its projections of future childcare subsidy costs. A more accurate methodology, combined with a billion dollar crackdown on dodgy family daycare claims, has reduced expected childcare costs from $40 billion over four years to just $32 billion.

Suddenly set to spend $8 billion less than they thought on childcare only makes the stunt to link the package to other punitive welfare cuts only more gratuitous.

Overall, the package will encourage more second-earners, let's call them women, into the workforce. The biggest impact will be felt by part-time workers, who can now earn more without maxing out their rebate.

But the obsession with getting women back to work risks overshadowing the major benefit of investments in childcare: increasing the outcomes for children.

Indeed, new stringent work tests mean many vulnerable children, with parents who work irregularly or on contract, now risk losing out on early learning opportunities if their parents fail the work test.

Overall, there seems to be a lack of embrace for new research revealing the key role that early learning plays for future child outcomes. Children with no exposure to early learning are much more likely to start school classed as "developmentally vulnerable". Studies also have shown that the kids who finish school with the best results also happen to be the kids who started school with the best results.

According to a report by PwC, boosting women's workforce participation through better access to childcare would boost the economy by about $6 billion, cumulatively, by 2050.

But those benefits are dwarfed by the benefits to kids of access to early learning.

If the children of parents in the lowest income bracket were to attend an early learning program, the economy would be $13 billion bigger.

The bottom line is that Australia still has a long way to go before it provides a system of childcare which matches the working patterns of modern families and provides sufficiently widespread and high quality early learning for our kids.

If you were starting out, you'd design something more like in Scandinavia, where childcare is wrapped up in the schooling system and publicly provided.

Our system of privately provided, but publicly subsidised, care remains fraught with complexity for families to navigate, makes it hard for them to exercise their consumer rights to drive down prices and improve quality while leaving taxpayers exposed to growing bill.

Patience remains, as always, a virtue.