Federal Politics

Push to charge operators of private companies for alleged abuses on Nauru and Manus

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Those running Australia's network of detention camps in the Pacific could be charged with crimes against humanity under a fresh push for international prosecutions.

A group of international lawyers lodged a 110-page submission at the International Criminal Court on Monday, urging prosecutors to urgently investigate conditions on Nauru and Manus Island.

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The submission – co-ordinated by lawyers from Stanford University in the US and the Global Legal Action Network – is the latest and most detailed of a string of legal complaints about Australia's conduct.

A separate petition in November called for every Australian prime minister from John Howard onwards to be investigated for crimes against humanity in the treatment of asylum seekers.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie also earlier asked prosecutors to investigate then prime minister Tony Abbott and then immigration minister Scott Morrison for the conduct of Operation Sovereign Borders, denying the referral amounted to a media stunt.

Mr Wilkie said in a statement to Fairfax Media on Monday he had continued to send material to the prosecutors at the ICC since he first referred Australian officials to the court in 2014.


Amy Maguire, a senior lecturer in international law and human rights at the University of Newcastle, said the different submissions all aimed to persuade prosecutors to take up the case.

But Dr Maguire said it really amounted to a pressure exercise, with no chance Australia would surrender officials for prosecution.

"We won't see Malcolm Turnbull in the international court. The aim is to force Australia to adopt a different policy," she said.

The latest submission draws heavily on reports over recent years of abuse and mistreatment in detention camps, but also includes fresh allegations from interviews by the lawyers with former detainees.

It adds up to what the lawyers claim is a crime against humanity – a "widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population in furtherance of a state policy designed to deter immigration to Australia".

The submission alleges physical and sexual abuse, including rape, is rife at the camps, with "inadequate, overcrowded, unsanitary and dangerous" conditions – allegations consistently denied by the Australian officials and the governments of Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

Lawyers have also taken aim at private contractors that run the camps on behalf of the Australian government, stating: "Companies contracted to operate these centres, namely Ferrovial, Wilson Security, and [International Health and Medical Services], are aware that their conditions are punitive and harsh – they are this way by design."

The submission also alleges a failing by Australia's courts in upholding legislation, "justifying the harsh and unlawful detention of refugees and asylum seekers". Determining a lack of local legal remedy is crucial for the international court to have jurisdiction.

The submission was being promoted in Australia by the activist group GetUp.

Fairfax Media asked the government if there had been any communication with the international court relating to the submissions, only for the office of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to respond: "We are not going to comment on a publicity stunt, but let this be a warning to people donating to GetUp that you are being ripped off by these wacky causes."

The international court has been under strain in recent months, facing threats of withdrawal by Russia, South Africa and the Philippines, and criticism over slow proceedings.