Federal Politics

'On a path to nowhere': Gonski architect Ken Boston slams school funding failure

Disadvantaged school children will continue to be denied the resources they need because both major political parties are "fluffing around" on schools funding when radical change is needed, according to one of the architects of the Gonski reforms.

In a scathing speech on Tuesday, Gonski Review panellist Ken Boston said the school funding system that has developed over the past 40 years has "comprehensively failed" and needs to be overhauled. 

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"We are on a path to nowhere," Mr Boston, a former director general of the NSW Department of Education, said.

"The issue is profoundly deeper than argument about the last two years of Gonski funding or changes to the governance of Commonwealth-state relations.

"But both the government and the opposition are fluffing around at the margins of the issue, and neither appears to understand the magnitude of the reform that is needed or – if so – to have the capacity to tackle it.

"Neither side of politics has come to grips with what needs-based funding really means." 


The Turnbull government is finalising its plans for new four-year funding arrangements and hopes to strike a deal at the April COAG meeting between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and state and territory leaders. Education Minister Simon Birmingham has said he wants to unpick the "special deals" done by the previous Labor government. 

Mr Boston said school funding in Australia remains based on "top down" political negotiation between the federal government, state governments, the Catholic and private school sectors, unions and church leaders – the antithesis of the Gonski Review's recommendations.

"The outcome has been that the funding allocations to independent schools, state Catholic commissions and the state government systems are arrived at without any agreed and common system of addressing real need at the level of each individual school," he said.

"The funding architecture should be greatly simplified by making the individual school the basis for funding, receiving a core component according to enrolment and a supplementary component based on agreed national loadings for the elements of aggregated social disadvantage.

"The current arrangement for block funding of Catholic and government school systems based on an average measure of their socio-economic status rather than the aggregated socio-educational disadvantage of each individual Catholic and government school must be replaced."

This proposal would particularly antagonise the Catholic school sector, which is funded on a system-wide basis that allows state and territory education commissions to distribute funding among their schools as they see fit.

Neither side of politics has come to grips with what needs-based funding really means.

Mr Boston stresses that the Gonski Report did not see additional funding as the key to improving Australian education, but rather the redistribution of funding based on need.

"Gonski was a fundamental re-imagining of Australian education within the framework of existing and available resources, not simply an argument for more resources for schools.

"Labor delivered more money for education.

"But like the Coalition government, Labor has ducked the fundamental issue of addressing the relationship between aggregated social disadvantage and poor educational outcomes, and has turned its back on the development of an enduring funding system that is fair, transparent, financially sustainable and effective in promoting excellent outcomes for all Australian students."

The Gillard government's promise that no school would lose a dollar as a result of the review was "an albatross around our necks", he said. 

Mr Boston said there was a misunderstanding that most of the problems facing Australian education will be solved if the government provides the last two years of Gonski funding. 

Meanwhile, severely reducing or removing funding to the wealthiest private schools would produce a "handsome saving of $900 million per annum but still not get to the root cause of the problem".

"Neither side of politics is talking about the strategic redistribution of available funding to the things that matter in the schools that need it, on the basis of measuring the need of each individual school," he said. 

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