Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull sharpens attack on Labor's renewable policies

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Pushing ever more renewable energy into the national electricity network is negligent without new investments in energy storage, Malcolm Turnbull has declared, stepping up his attack on Labor's "complacent" and "ideological" clean energy policy.

The comments came amid a deepening parliamentary furore over the extent of wind and solar power in South Australia, and any risks associated with an over-reliance to household prices and reliability of supply.

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Renewable blame game

The Liberal Party has been accused by Labor of lying about the reason for South Australia's blackouts by blaming renewable energy, something Malcolm Turnbull rejects. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Mr Turnbull's comments also followed a call from a broad spectrum of industry, environment and welfare groups who beseeched politicians to cut the antics and seek common ground on energy policy in order to provide cost and investment certainty.

But that call had fallen on deaf ears in Canberra.

Charged by a Fairfax Media report revealing that advice to the federal government at the time of the state-wide blackout in SA had cautioned against attributing a causal role for renewables, the opposition pressed Mr Turnbull on why his government had canvassed wind and solar generation in the hours following.

Mr Turnbull responded forcefully, asserting that he had never said wind turbines were the cause.


"The blackout, as I've said many times was caused by a storm breaching transmission lines, that's perfectly obvious, that's the only point that was made," he said in Canberra on Monday, before adding: "However, the introduction of a massive amount of wind energy, so, variable renewable energy, made the South Australian grid very vulnerable, very, very vulnerable indeed."

In Parliament two hours later, he went further: "What happened was typical of the lazy, negligent, complacent Labor government, they introduced more and more variable renewables into the mix, increasing the vulnerability of the transmission network."

A December report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) concluded the overall mix of energy sources such as wind and solar had added to the complexity and therefore potentially, to the vulnerability of the supply during extreme conditions.

"The growing proportion of this type of generating plant within the generation portfolio is leading to more periods with low inertia and low available fault levels, hence a lower resilience to extreme events," the regulator stated.

As the political argument over climate change and household electricity prices intensified, Mr Turnbull attempted to turn a question from Opposition leader Bill Shorten into an assault on Labor's policy.

"There they are, the legions of the Labor loyalists, they are on their way to the light on the hill through the darkness of the night, the light is there. It is still, there is not a sound, but then you hear softly at first, and then louder and louder, the chug, chug, chug, of the back-up generator, because that is what you need to power the light on the hill or anywhere in South Australia nowadays," he said, to the delight of government MPs.

Within minutes of that counter-attack, the lights went out briefly in Parliament House, including in the Senate chamber, while Attorney-General George Brandis was on his feet.

"Another Labor administration in the (Australian Capital) Territory, can't keep the lights on," quipped the senator as he glanced skyward.

But while Mr Turnbull and other ministers fervently denied previously tagging renewables as a cause of South Australia's blackouts, he appeared to drop that pretence in light of the AEMO findings.

"It is perfectly obvious that what was done was mindless, negligent and incompetent," he said.

"The reality is that they put all of their bets on renewable energy and failed to recognise it has certain consequences."