Jim Pavlidis
El Greco

Big Week In Art: Glouftsis and the Book of Revelation

Thirteen years after Chelsea Roffey became the AFL's first female goal umpire, Eleni Glouftsis became the first female field umpire. As American rock band R.E.M. sang, "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine."

Nathan Buckley and Vincent Van Gogh

Big Week In Art: Van Gogh and Bucks

"I've done the portrait of M. Gachet with a melancholy expression, which might well seem like a grimace to those who see it... Sad but gentle, yet clear and intelligent…" Vincent van Gogh could very well have been describing Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley,

A Big Week In Art

A Big Week In Art: Tangled up in red, white and blue

It's hard to believe that a satirical description of that most common of weekend pastimes – gatecrashing parties – or the other activity favored by young men – pissing on  public monuments – could end up in jail time.

A Big Week in Art with Jim Pavlidis.

A Big Week In Art: Gary Ablett, mirrors and endless reflections

"Rosebud." The last word to leave the lips of Charles Foster Kane, Orson Welles' fictional character from his landmark movie Citizen Kane, is also the name of seaside town. Should Gary Ablett retire from footy at season's end and return to Victoria, it would be an ideal place to call home.