Federal Politics

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has played politics over same-sex marriage but complains that the Coalition are doing the ...

Hypocrisy, thy name is politics

It is among the more glaring ironies that professional politicians tend to recoil in horror when accused of "playing politics".

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he would not get in the way of a preference deal between the Liberals and One ...

Over the top with Malcolm

Malcolm Turnbull's verbal blitzkrieg against Bill Shorten produced two diametrically opposed, yet predictable, responses from those who witnessed it at close quarters in the national parliament this week.

Richard Denniss.

Blackouts and prawns

"Peak energy demand" has nothing to do with a lack of "baseload" power, whatever the government says.

"He came in as Prime Minister when people had such high hopes for him": Bill Shorten responds to Malcolm Turnbull's ...

Labor's sneaky strategy has to go, Shorten

People are always complaining that our politicians - on both sides - are "out of touch". They're too high and mighty to understand the things that are annoying ordinary people in ordinary life.

Senator Cory Bernardi is all about common sense. Just ask him.

Cory Bernardi, seeking a mysterious majority, throws a tantrum

The altitudinous Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, who fears a move towards bestiality if the 21st century is allowed to have its head, is striking out alone, seeking like-minded companions - a space he has inhabited for his entire political career.