Send us a Yucatán tip for a chance to win a £200 hotel voucher

Sunny shores, lively markets, natural wonders or manmade glories … tell us your highlights of Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula and you could win a £200 voucher from

The main temple structure and Gulf of Mexico at Tulum.
The main temple structure and the Caribbean Sea at Tulum. Photograph: Alamy
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Whether you’ve loved Mayan sites such as Chichen Itza, the colonial elegance of Mérida, stunning cenotes and underground rivers or simply the peninsula’s fantastic Caribbean beaches and seafood, we want to hear about your travels in this part of Mexico. Send us a tip via GuardianWitness, with as much detail as you can (including website and prices etc, if possible) in around 100 words.

The best tips will appear in print in next weekend’s Travel section and the winner, chosen by Tom Hall of Lonely Planet, will receive a £200 hotel voucher from, allowing you to stay in more than 260,000 places worldwide. Submit your tip by clicking the blue button and using the text tab.

You’re welcome to add a photo if you own the copyright to it – but it’s the text we’ll be judging.

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Closes Wednesday, 8 February 2017, 10am GMT

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