Energy Australia: Renewables are the solution to rising power prices

Solar and wind power (ABC News)ABC News

Energy Australia has joined the chorus of groups calling for a bipartisan approach to renewables.

Live politics: Xenophon blocks childcare bill

Nick Xenophon (ABC News)ABC News

The Nick Xenophon Team has announced it will not support the Federal Government's welfare package.

Q&A;: Lambie takes on Abdel-Magied

Q and A panel (ABC TV)ABC News

Jacqui Lambie had a screaming match with Islamic youth leader Yassmin Abdel-Magied over sharia law.

Australia behind in obesity prevention

Exercise (ABC News) ABC Health

Obesity affects almost a quarter of Australians, but help can be almost impossible to find.

Solar batteries 'exploding' in popularity

Solar battery (ABC News) ABC News

The first national audit of solar batteries shows 7,000 were installed in Australian homes last year.

Earth's deepest trenches contain pollution

Amphipod (Wikimedia commons) ABC Science

Deep ocean trenches have levels of toxic chemicals 50 times higher than a highly polluted river system in China.

Victoria's threatened tiger quoll remains elusive

The elusive Victorian tiger quoll (ABC News) ABC Environment

Hundreds of cameras set up to monitor Victoria's tiger quoll have failed to photograph the animal for three years.

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